Third International World-Wide Web Conference

Workshop H: Teaching and Training on the Web

Chair: David C. De Roure

Half-day workshop on Monday, April 10, 1995
9:30 am- 1:00 pm

Room: 31/006

Using the Web as a tool for teaching and training means more than making course notes available, but how can we best use the Web to enhance these activities? There are questions of interaction, authoring, importing existing courseware and tools, and integration with other tools. A number of sites have gained important experience in this area; now is the time to share this experience and identify the principles, techniques and tools for teaching and training using the Web.

This workshop aims to pool experience in this area and to establish "best Web practice." We will also identify our requirements for future development of Web tools. Finally, we plan to identify or create a suitable forum for further discussions.

People who are using the Web for a major teaching or training exercise and who are interested in sharing their experience and discussing new ideas will be especially welcomed. Participants will be invited to prepare a short position paper in advance of the workshop.
