Third International World-Wide Web Conference

Workshop G: Innovation and Research in Commercial Applications on the WWW

Chair: Thomas Baker

Co-organized with ERCIM

Half-day workshop on Monday, April 10, 1995
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Room: 31/006

The World Wide Web offers easy, world-wide access to databanks and archives of text, video, and sound material. In the past year-and-a-half, businesses have increasingly been using WWW for mounting product catalogs, order forms, public relations material, and information products. This seminar will look at how businesses have used the WWW, what new possibilities the technology will offer in the immediate future, and what the next ten years may bring. Developers will offer demonstrations of their commercial applications.

Who can participate:

To apply (and to help us plan), please send us a brief statement, preferably via email, answering the following questions:

Schedule of Workshop G

"The commercialization of the Web -- an overview"
Michael Lenz of GMD, the German National Research Center for Computer Science, will describe trends in the usage and growth of the Web and outline what is needed for commercial applications.
"Deutsche Welle's DW-Internet: will the success last?"
Harald Schuetz of Deutsche Welle will describe new, Internet-based information products of Deutsche Welle and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Information Services. He will outline factors for the success of such products and explain how their production process differs with respect to traditional media.
"Designing commercial Web pages"
Lon Barfield of General Design in Amsterdam will explain how producing for the Web is fundamentally different than for traditional media. When Web applications become very large and complex, new issues regarding the user interface, such as structuring and navigation, play a bigger role.
"GT-Online - a Web-based research bulletin in Finland"
Caj Sodergard of VTT in Finland , will demonstrate VTT's new on-line information service for graphic arts technology. In particular, it will compare the relative advantages of paper-related formats, such as Adobe Acrobat, as opposed to content-related HTML.
"Software tools for producing and maintaining a commercial Web site"
Jean-Charles d'Harcourt of Grif SA in France will describe the range of tools that industrial users need for building, maintaining, and editing huge quantities of information. He will demonstrate, in particular, Grif's user-friendly, Web-based, WYSIWYG editor for SGML documents.
"Commercial Internet Services in Greece: the promotion of business activities through WWW"
Elias Manesiotis of CompuLink, an Internet service provider associated with ForthNet in Greece, will describe the growth of Internet usage in Greece, demonstrate CompuLink's Web applications, and outline its policies and marketing strategies. CDC Wonder
End of workshop
