Third International World-Wide Web Conference

Workshop E: Biology on the Web

Chair: Reinhard Doelz

Half-day workshop on Monday, April 10, 1995
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Room: 48/052

Since the conference in 1994 at Geneva, the demand for WWW applications in Biology is rising steadily, and new applications show up instantaneously. Two areas of interest will be tackled specifically:

Biology and the Web - Getting scientific data from a General Purpose Information System. How to fully accommodate today's applications.
Scientists and their views - Different data and methods cause different displays of similar conclusions. How can the scientists unite responses from different sources?

The approaches chosen to expand on Areas A or B might include contributions on:

Background - Selected URL's

Schedule of Workshop E

14:00: WWW in Biology - Achievements of a special user group
R.Doelz, Workshop chair, BioComputing Basel, Switzerland
14:30: Experience and Expectation A WWW User Report
J.Suehnel, Inst.f.Molekulare Biotechnologie, Jena, Germany
15:00: A WWW Server for Linkage Analysis
A.Audic, G.Zanetti, Center for Advanced Studies, Cagliari, Italy
15:30: World-Wide Molecular Biology Data Browsing
T.Etzold, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
16:00: WWW2GCG: Integration of a command-line application package
M.Colet, BEN, Brussels, Belgium
16:30 VMRL for the combination with 3D scenarios of biomolecules
H.Vollhardt, G.Moeckel, C.Henn*, M.Teschner*, J.Brickmann, Inst f. Physikal. Chemie, Darmstadt, Germany, and *SGI, Riehen, Switzerland
17:00: Round-table
All participants
What would be specific developments in Biology?
Which preset requirements for WWW development?
For additional information please take a look on the chair's Web page!
