International World-Wide Web Conference

Tutorial 1: Multimedia User Interface Design Principles for HTML Documents

Presenters: Dennis Dingeldein, Researcher, Darmstadt Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV); Kaisa Väänänen, Researcher, Darmstadt Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV)

Half-day tutorial on Monday, April 10, 1995
9:30 am- 1:00 pm

Room: 31/08

Description of Tutorial:

This tutorial gives an overview of the issues in designing and con- structing multimedia user interfaces (MUI) for World-Wide Web applications. The special emphasis is on user interface principles and how WWW-documents can benefit from multimedia features. Based on an investigation of the as yet restricted features of HTML and successive document description languages, the aim is to discuss how to present a virtually seamless integration of multimedia within hypermedia WWW-documents. Within this context, the objectives are to analyze the users' and authors' requirements for hypermedia, and to present the state-of-the-art of multimedia user interfaces. Furthermore, the emerging principles and inherent problems of WWW browsers and editors are investigated, and solutions are offered in the form of revised user interface principles and design guidelines.

Themes include:

Demonstrations will be shown highlighting good and bad examples of WWW and multimedia user interfaces. The demonstrations illustrate the practice of the theoretical principles discussed in the first part of the tutorial.

Who should attend:

The tutorial is intended primarily for designers and authors of WWW-documents, either at the beginner or intermediate level. The participants will learn principles and techniques for designing better WWW-documents where multimedia is used as an integated aspect of the hypermedia network.
