International World-Wide Web Conference

Tutorial 7: CCI Applications: Local and Remote

Presenter: Dave Thompson, Senior Software Engineer, NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Half-day tutorial on Monday, April 10, 1995
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Room: 47/052

Description of Tutorial:

The Common Client Interface (CCI) allows external applications to access World Wide Web functionality by providing a mechanism with which it may communicate with a Mosaic browser. With this functionality user may enhance a browser application by writing a stand alone application that runs along side and adds additional features to the web session. This addition of functionality may be added to the environment without modifying the Mosaic executable. Further, a stand alone application may gain Mosaic functionality and access to the web by using the functionality built into Mosaic through the common client interface.

The CCI may be divided into two realms, local only and remote. The remote CCI is based on TCP/IP and has been implemented in the Unix version of Mosaic and will soon be in NCSA's PC and Mac versions. This session will concentrate on the remote realm where application and browser may exist on the same or remote machines.

This tutorial will instruct the attendee on CCI functionality, the programming interface (API) and the CCI protocol.

Who should attend:

This tutorial is intended for developers who wish to either enhance Mosaic functionality by developing new applications that aid web browsing, or who wish to develop applications that have access to world wide web technology through Mosaic. It is assumed that the attendee will have some programming experience. The tutorial will cover the protocol and application programmer interface (API) used in the remote implementation of the CCI. Several API have been developed for the CCI including C, Perl, and Tcl. This tutorial will concentrate on the C interface.
