Tutorial 2: Authoring Methods for the WWW
Presenter: Jean Paoli, Technical Director, GRIF S.A.
Half-day tutorial on Monday, April 10, 1995
9:30 am- 1:00 pm
Room: 31/0012
Description of Tutorial:
To give a comprehensive overview of the different techniques
available for creating documents for the Web, so as to enable
attendees to choose between these techniques.
Emphasis will be placed on those methods which make use of tools
designed to facilitate the creation of documents directly in
native HTML format.
- The Hard Way
Until recently, the only method to create HTML documents was
to type them manually using a standard text editor.
- Conversion to HTML from Vendor Proprietary Formats
Several software vendors offer conversion routines and
filters for generating HTML documents from their own,
proprietary formats (FrameMaker, Interleaf, ...)
- Native HTML Document Editing
The most recent tools to arrive on the market allow
structured editing of documents directly in the Web's HTML
Special attention will be paid to the following tools:
IntelliTag from WordPerfect, Author for Word from Microsoft,
Tag Wizard from Nice Technologies, SoftQuad's HotMetal and
CyberLeaf from Interleaf, Grif HTML Editor from Grif S.A.
The following features in particular will be addressed:
- anchors
- images
- forms
- tables (HTML 3.0)
The tutorial will include a description of some of the
advanced features of these tools, aimed at allowing the
cooperative editing of documents across the Web by multiple
Who should attend:
Non experts, with a technical background who wants to create documents
or modify existing documents already published on the WEB.