Web Streams: Live Sessions on the World Wide Web

Philip Thrift
Texas Instruments R&D
P.O. Box 655936 M.S. 134
Dallas, TX 75265
streams, CGI, live, sessions


Web communication is typically of a discrete nature where the browser communicates with servers via synchronous, connectionless, interactions. Here I examine a method for creating live (or asynchronous, continuous) interactions which can expand the dynamic nature of communications on the Web.

Extending Web servers and browsers to be capable of varying degrees of continuous as opposed to merely discrete interaction is being developed in such systems as The Sociable Web [1] and Virtual Places [2]. Recently, Netscape Communications has proposed a server push protocol for piping continuous data to browsers [4]. EIT has also combined Web browsers with MBONE applications, including a Media On Demand service [3].

Streams, in the context of this paper, are data objects with indefinite temporal extent. NCSA httpd 1.3 servers can send live streams directly to clients by means of nph (no parsed header) scripts. Live streams can be viewed in browsers in external (or possibly, embedded) viewers. These viewers receive continuous streamed data from the server until the script serving the stream exits.

The list below outlines the steps in linking to streams:

  1. The browser receives a data object from the server of the form:
               Content-type: application/x-stream-loc
    stream-loc (steam location) provides the viewer the name, type, and location of a stream. This output can be generated by a CGI script or by linking to a file with a stream-loc file extension (e.g. stl). EOS-URL is a URL that is sent to the viewer when the stream is terminated.
  2. On receiving a stream-loc from the server, a viewer (external or embedded) is started which sends a request to the server for the STREAM-URL, the output of which is streamed to the viewer. The browser is configured by having the following entry its .mailcap file:
         application/x-stream-loc; viewstream < %s
    viewstream is responsible for
  3. The stream URL will typically be of the form

Once the browser is viewing streams, it can interact with them by sending requests to the server. Typically this can work as follows: a CGI that is executed by an independent browser request communicates with the nph script that is serving the stream viewer. This can be done by any of several interprocess communication methods (most typically, via sockets).

Web streams and communicating CGI's can be used to implement a chat facility, as shown here:

Fig.1. Chat Room

In addition to developing audio and video stream applications, the following developments are possible:

Future information on Web Relay Chat will be available on my personal page in the TurnPike Metropolis.


[1] Judith S. Donath, Niel Robertson: The Sociable Web
[2] Ehud Shapiro: Virtual Places -- A Foundation for Human Interaction
[4] An Exploration of Dynamic Documents in Netscape 1.1