Web Enabled Agile Manufacturing

S. V. Iyer, Beckman Institute and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
T. Singh, Beckman Institute and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
U. Ravaioli, Beckman Institute and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
R. E. DeVor, NSF/ARPA Machine Tool Agile Manufacturing Research Insitute, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
S. G. Kapoor, NSF/ARPA Machine Tool Agile Manufacturing Research Insitute, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
G. Veknatasubramian, NSF/ARPA Machine Tool Agile Manufacturing Research Insitute, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Abstract: The World-Wide-Web is an extremely efficient environment for fostering agility in manufacturing and for real-time information flow among the global research and manufacturing enterprises. This paper describes two prototypes that incorporate computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) packages, and a standard visualization package (AVS), under the web. The prototypes are currently under evaluation through field deployment. The results obtained from the field deployment will be discussed during the presentation.
Keywords: Agile Manufacturing, CAD under the Web, AVS under the Web.


The World-Wide-Web envioronment can serve as a skeleton of information-infrastructure for promoting agile manufacturing across a broad range of industries. To demonstrate the feasibility of such applications we have developed two prototype examples: first is based on a highly sophisticated environment of semiconductor and integrated circuit industry; and second is based on a moderately sophisticated environment of machine tool industry. Most of the industries can be encountered somewhere in between the two extremes, becoming hence, potential candidates for adopting models derivative of the proposed prototype. The web-based prototype brings under spotlight the integration of custom developed computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) package with an off-the-shelf visualization package (AVS). This interaction enables small businesses (with limited computational resources and with low-end personal computers) to utilize design-aid and analysis tools resident on remote and high-performance computational systems.

A Brief Description of the Prototypes

The National Center for Computational Electronics (NCCE)is a national research facility dedicated to the advancement of computational resources (i.e., physical models, algorithms and simulators related to the design, manufacturing, and utilization of semiconductors and semiconductor devices). One of the reasearch projects at NCCE-ready for exploitation by the semiconductor industry-is the calculation of the full band-strucutre of Silicon. The band structure of a semiconductor is a very fundamental physical property used in the determination of the flow of charged particles and subsequently, the conduction of electricity in a semiconductor crystal. Carriers in present day sub-micron electronic devices are subjected to very large electric fields. Electrons and holes exhibit novel behavior under such high electric fields. To gain a deep understanding of such a complex phenomena, and to obtain an accurate description of carrier motion, a complete description of the band structure is necessary. Without such an understanding, circuits and systems built by integrating these devices will not function properly or reliably.

The second prototype demonstrates the concept of web-based software testbed, developed at the Machine Tool Agile Manufacturing Research Institute (MT-AMRI), that allows researchers to communicate and cooperate directly with end-manufactures. EMSIM is a CAM package developed at the MT-AMRI that simulates the operations of end milling process. This model is being developed for a number of important application areas including fixture design, chatter and vibration control, and optimal selection of maching conditions for improved precision and accuracy, including flatness, cylindricity, and dimensional stability in general.

CAD/CAM Under the Web

The prototypes incroporate extensive multimedia tutorials, background information, and case-study examples related to the CAD/CAM under the web. Thus the system servers as a self-paced learning tool by providing the user with a description of the theoretical models behind the simulators, a summary of the user supplied inputs parameters, and an explanation of results generated by the CAD/CAM packages. The tutorial can guide new users with no prior knowledge about the simulator through the capabilities of the CAD and CAM packages and their potential applications. The results of the process simulation or band structure calculations are visualized in various representations, such as x-y plots, contours plots, volume rendering, and several others. The time-dependent data can be made into short movies, which can be viewed through a user-interface with forward, backward, and freeze type of buttons. Various AVS parameters which control the graphics output, such as threshold, colormaps, lights, and cameras, are made available to the user through the forms based front-end. The raw data and the graphic output can be downloaded by the user for future reference. The postscript output of graphics is also supported by the prototype.


At present, simple password protection is used to control access to the simulators. We plan to introduce encrypted transmission of sensitive design data files and outputs between industrial sites and the university based host. The system can currently support upto ten different users. Each user is provided with his/her own protected directory structure and can save files from ten different runs. Initially each user is prompted for his/her company affiliation. Based on the information supplied by the user (and subsequent authentication by the system), the working directory is identified. Through the use of rcp and rsh commands of the UNIX system, additional modules on computing systems not running the http host are accessed and executed. We have also developed the framework for distributing the load to a cluster of workstations through the Data Transfer Mechanism (DTM), a Berkeley sockets based message passing library developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.


Since the industrial users can access the research software during its development phase, they become an inherent part of the research and development process. This interaction facilitates direct and timely feedback to the researchers, enabling the research efforts to be more responsive to the needs of the industrial users. This process also enables industrial-user to access a comprehensive tool that contains not only the research proof-of-concept software but also relevant tutorials, demos, case study examples, forums for information exchange, and much more. High performane computers are rarely accessible to small companies. The prototype demonstrated here opens the channels for small and medium sized companies to access complex CAD/CAM packages resident on high performance computers through simple personal computers, and hence, improving their manufacuring capabilities.


The band-structure simulator research reported here was supported by a Curriculum Development in Computational Science and Engineering grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF grant EEC 93-15536) and by the National Center for Computational Electronics (NSF ECS 91-22768). The MT-AMRI work was supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (NSF Award DMI 9320944).


The prototypes may be accessed through the URLs:
http://viz1.ceg.uiuc.edu  (band structure simulator) and
href="http://misled2.me.uiuc.edu/ (EMSIM software testbed)
The above mentioned URLs contain additional references and background material related the simulators described here.