WISE - World Wide Information System for R&D; Efforts

Fritz Loseries
Wilhelminenstr. 7
D-64283 Darmstadt
Phone: +49-6151-155138
Fax: +49-6151-155199

Veronika Samara
Hellenic Telecommunications and Electronics Industry
Marcopoulou Ave., P.O. Box 68
GR-19002 Peania Attika, Greece
Phone: +30-1-6860854
Fax: +30-1-6860312

Bodo Urban
Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung
Außenstelle Rostock
Joachim-Jungius-Str. 9
D-18059 Rostock
Phone: +49-381-4024119
Fax: +49-381-4024199

R&D; reports, partnership search, call for proposals, Forms, Perl, Index searching, resource discovery, mirroring, WISE, European Commission, WYSIWYG
WISE, "World wide Information Support for R&D Efforts" is a project funded by the European Commission, Directorate General XIII-B. WISE started in January 1994 and ended in December 1994. Its main objective is to link research communities and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially from less favoured regions of the European Union, to other communities in Europe, providing European wide access to distributed information. The intention of WISE is to inform about R&D activities.

WISE addresses the following objectives:

Within the White Book of Jacques Delors, the former Head of the European Commission, the major objectives are based on the aspects of employment, competitiveness and growth. Especially in rural areas and less favoured regions, those aspects are still a deficiency. Therefore, the action plan of the Bangemann Group is intending to use advanced communication technologies and services for reaching these objectives. The objectives within WISE can be seen as a preliminary step.

To gain its main objective the project partners of WISE decided to use the World Wide Web which at the decision time was still not well known in most areas in Europe. At that time about 250 WWW servers were existing. But it was already known, that the underlying wide-area network for the World Wide Web, the Internet, is the largest computer network in the world with over 30 million users, and that the WWW is currently the most sophisticated and advanced networked information system for discovery, retrieval, and collaboration.

Already at that time some drawbacks by using the WWW in its pure form had been discovered. Those are the resource discovery, the availability and reachability of servers from everywhere in Europe, the transfer cost and the information content.

The growth of WWW servers is exploding. In December 1994 more than 11000 servers were counted. It seems, that getting informed about research activities is one important issue. This is also valid for the research activities supported by the European Commission. The question is "How to discover those services?" - WISE gives an answer.

The European Commission intends to expand to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The network connections to CEE, and also to the less favoured regions of the European Union - Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Spain, and the "Fünf Neue Länder"of Germany - are not very stable. For this reason but also for minimizing transfer cost, a mirroring concept and a network setup of WISE servers have been developed, to support the awareness of these servers and the availability of services for SMEs, as well as research institutions in the less favoured regions and the CEE. A concept of WISE Relay Centres has been established.


The WISE objectives are achieved by

Achievements in 1994

In April 1994 the WISE Information Board was set up as the first server giving an overview of the different known information services of R&D activities in the EC. Among others it contains information about:

The main WISE server in Darmstadt can be reached via the following uniform resource locator: http://www.igd.fhg.de/wise/

In January 1995 the number of hits per day - including the weekends - has been in average 450, with a high score of 819.

In the scope of the WISE project, Relay Centres are installed at IGD/R in Rostock, Germany, at CCG/ZGDV in Coimbra, Portugal, and at INTRACOM S.A. in Peania, Attika, Greece. Within a field trial these Relay Centres are acting as a gateway offering modem and ISDN access to the WISE Information board for SMEs and research organizations.

For improving the access to the WISE Information Board, in addition to the WISE Relay Centres, a network of WISE mirrored servers has been established and a mirroring concept for guaranteeing the up-to-date information on any server has been developed.

To introduce the project the Relay Centres organized WISE Information Days and tutorials for the usage of the WWW. Documents for the usage of WWW, HTML and Internet were supplied. The information brochure "Using the World Wide Web for European Research Co-operation", disseminated by DGXIII-B2, has been provided. This contains, among other things, information about the WISE Information Board, how to access it, and a cost estimation for the Internet access in less favoured regions of the EU. Furthermore, all main project deliverables are available via the WISE Information Board.

Technical development and evaluation

A selection of the most well known public domain HTML editors, HTML converters, WWW servers and clients for different platforms has been collected and evaluated.

For improving the existing tools for editing, browsing and retrieving HTML documents and WWW structures enhancements were developed. For improving the retrieval facilities the index searching mechanism ICE, and for improving the editing phase a prototype of a WYSIWYG-HTML-Editor was developed.

Examples of online forms for a partnership search based on the CORDIS and KoWi sheets were developed with an automatic send mechanism. These examples are illustrating the power of the WWW for corresponding in an easy and fast way between the user and the information provider.


J. Bund, etal:
"Operational Model for the Relay Centres in the less favoured regions of the EU", May 1994

J. Bund, etal:
"Training Manual for the Relay Centre Operating Staff", August 1994

M. Dönszelmann, F. Loseries, etal:
"WISE - Using the World Wide Web for European Research Co-operation" - A User Manual, October 1994

M. Dönszelmann, etal:
"Installation Manual for the WISE Relay Centres", December 1994

In preparation
F. Loseries, etal:
"WISE Final Report"