WWW'95: WebFORCE by Silicon Graphics -- WWW Authoring

WebFORCE by Silicon Graphics -- WWW Authoring

Ashmeet Sidana,
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94043
as@sgi.com http://www.sgi.com/

Steve Schmitt
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94030

Digital Media


WebFORCE is a combination of authoring, serving, browsing, and utility applications designed to provide a comprehensive WWW solution. There are several key components to WebFORCE:

  1. Webmagic WYSIWYG authoring.
  2. Netscape Browser
  3. Netsite Server
  4. WebJumper Icons (URLs represented as Desktop Icons)
  5. Digital Media tools to enable sophisticated multimedia authoring.

The presentation will concentrate on the authoring portion along with how users can create and deliver HTML documents.

Overview of the WebMagic Authoring Tool

WebMagic Author is a dynamic WYSIWYG authoring tool for creating HTML Web pages. It allows you to create links, define paragraph and character types, and insert images, sounds, and movies in an easy-to-use way.

Features of WebMagic Author, include:

The different portions of WebMagic Author are shown in the figure below:


The presentation of the WebFORCE Software Environment will introduce the tools and applications that help author and serve great web content. You will be taken step-by-step through the process of creating basic web pages as well as the process of creating popular digital media including images, audio files, and video files, that will enhance your web content.