Face Lift: using WWW technology for an external reengineering of old applications

Marco Ronchetti, Dipartimento di Informatica e Studi Aziendali - Universita' di Trento, Via Inama, 38100 TRENTO ITALY
Vincenzo D'Andrea, Laboratorio di Ingegneria Informatica, Via Zeni 8 38068 ROVERETO (TN) ITALY
Giancarlo Succi, Dipartimento di Informatica e Studi Aziendali - Universita' di Trento, Via Inama, 38100 TRENTO ITALY
Diego Feltrin, Diploma di Ingegneria Informatica - Universita' di Trento, Corso Bettini 84, 38068 ROVERETO (TN) ITALY
Reengineering, User Interface, CGI


Many old programs are interesting for the value of the information they control, yet their use is awkward since they were written many years ago, when not much attention was paid to the user interface, also due to the primitive technology of those dark ages (15 years ago). Often their code is not documented, and to put the hands in their code is a task too horrible to contemplate. It would therefore be desirable to be able to apply, with little effort, some aesthetic surgery on them without risking to attempt on their health. In this paper we suggest that WWW can provide a safe and relatively inexpensive mean to build a better user interface to them, and present an example.

1. Introduction

The success of the W3 project comes from the ability to seamless access in a uniform way local and remote information. This capability derives from the clean de-coupling of client and server programs by the "Information bus" and from a simple yet powerful description language [BER92]. It is easy to be an actor on the server side (since preparing a HTML page is easy) as well on the client side (since browsers are really user-friendly, and no special setup is needed on different hardware platforms). The extension with the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) [MCC93] allows to create active gateways toward local services like databases: CGI scripts are programs developed to perform actions as responses to requests coming from the client. In this way virtual documents can be created "on the fly" and served back to the client.

These scripts can be written in any programming language and their main functions are:

Such capability is widely used, and many WWW servers offer services based on CGI.

2. Face Lift: the idea

The art of cuisine is to produce different eatable goodies from the same ingredients. The ingredients of WWW can be described as:

Our idea is to use these ingredients make yesterday's leftovers appetizing again.

Many old programs (yesterday's leftovers) are still interesting for the value of the information they control. Now that we are used to point and click to solve our problems, we find some of their user interfaces horrible to use (and sometimes we found them horrible also when we did not have a mouse at our hand...). Sometimes we do not have access to the code, so we can't change it, and also if we could, the task would be horrible: unknown languages, undocumented and/or unreadable code etc.
While branches of Computer Science and Practice, e.g. Reverse Engineering and Reengineering, try to find some way to effectively attack the problem, it would be interesting to have solutions which, in spite of being partial, allow us to live better in the meantime.

We believe that WWW allows to attempt a solution, and performed an experiment on such a problem. In the approach we propose, the old application is conceptually wrapped into a container (the translator) which gets its outputs and feeds it with (recoded) user input. The dialog with the user is mediated by html pages, which can of course present forms or take advantage of features like clickable images, unleashing programmer's creativity.
The only necessary condition is that I/O of the old application can be redirected (a standard on a Unix system). The application should therefore speak to a "translator" process, which in turn speaks to the user by serving her/him html pages and reading her/his input.
While all this might seem similar to the gateways to WAIS or Gopher servers, we stress that the concept is different: in this case we are speaking of applications which were not thought as information providers to remote users, and also the network itself is not needed !. One can in fact even imagine a stand-alone system with an http daemon running to serve local requests, just for the purpose of providing a better user interface to a bunch of old programs.

In the rest of this section we will briefly sketch how the "translator" can be constructed, outline the problems that can arise, suggest strategies which can be taken to solve them, and indicate possible further research issues. The discussion will not be exhaustive due to the space constraints imposed on these papers.

A necessary step to build a translator consists in describing the old application as a finite state automaton, therefore defining the transition rules. These rules are the guide for writing the translator, which must be programmed so as to be able to recognize (or remember) the current state, and offer HTML pages presenting the actions which can be performed on that state. It would certainly be interesting to be able to make a general, automatic procedure which is able to construct the translator from the automaton definition. We are currently exploring this possibility.

Of course a major point arises: while the WWW protocol is stateless, the application we are wrapping can be (and typically will be) stateful. The history mechanism (which on most browsers allows the user to step back to a previously visited page) can cause confusion to the translator. A simple solution is to warn the user NOT to use the history feature, and to instruct the translator to refuse to serve any unexpected page, reminding the user of the impossibility to use the history. A more sophisticated approach is to instruct the translator to recognize such situations and, if possible, to send to the wrapped application the necessary instructions to go back to the state desired by the user.

A more complex problem arises when two (or more) users attempt to access the same service, since they would act on the same application! Also in this case, several solutions can be devised, the simplest of which is to (kindly) refuse to serve new users until the first has finished her/his job (or until a time-out has been reached). New users could be recognized since they would access the first page, although also here the history mechanism could create problems. Better solutions require to identify the users.
Unfortunately HTTP identification capabilities are limited. Although in fact the script has access to some environment variables like REMOTE_ADDR, these are not sufficient to uniquely identify the remote user: the REMOTE_USER variable is set only if the WWW client supports is, which is not true for too many browsers.
Luckily, CGI allows for extra information to be embedded in the URL for the gateway which can be used to transmit extra context-specific information to the scripts.
We implemented the following solution: when the translator gets the first request from the user (e.g. an access to the entry page), it starts a fresh copy of the wrapped application and issues an unique identifier. This identifier is hard-wired in the page generated as response to the user (e.g. through the PATH_INFO mechanism described in [MCC93]). All following interactions with the user will carry the identifier, therefore allowing the translator to refer to the correct copy of the application.

Finally, we want just mention in passing that the translator also has the opportunity to look ahead and buffer the informations: whenever it is expected that the user will perform some future action, such action can be performed in advance, therefore achieving an effective improvement of the wrapped application performances.

3. Face Lift: examples.

The CBT system (Catalogo Bibliografico Trentino) was developed one decade ago on a proprietary systems to serve all public libraries of the Trento Province: a small region in northern Italy, well known for its beautiful mountains and ski resorts. IBM 3270 terminals were placed in the libraries of the local University, research centers and in the civic libraries (also in small villages): information about books owned by all these places is centralized. A few years ago a gateway to the CBT system was made available via telnet by the University of Trento. Of course, the (character based) user interface remains the one designed one decade ago. While the value of the service is great, we typically find the system a bit annoying to use.

We therefore started a project in which we built a wrapper which completely masks the CBT interface. We implemented the user identification (not in the sense that we know who the use is, but in the sense discussed above: each user is given an identity at the beginning of the interaction, and such identity is used to make all following interactions consistent). User identification also allows us to serve requests coming from several users by using the same telnet port, therefore enhancing the possibility of access to CBT. The service (still at an experimental stage), as well as the former version can be accessed through the net.

We also implemented the look-ahead idea: for instance when a search by author is made, and the library has more than 14 different books by that author, only the first 14 (i.e. a screenful) are presented to the user. The user will have to explicitly request the next page(s). In such case we look ahead, asking all pages, and presenting to the user the entire information. In this way not only the interaction is more friendly (which was the original goal) but also the information desired is delivered in a shorter time (i.e. the effective performance has been increased).

4. Conclusions

In this paper we have suggested that WWW technology can be used for constructing a wrapper around old applications with an obsolete and unfriendly user interface. In such way the browsers for WWW can be used to provide enhanced capability to software systems which were created when a graphic user interface was not common. We sketched problems and solutions, and reported an experiment in which some of the ideas we discuss were implemented. A more extended report will be given elsewhere.

4. Note added after the conference

In Darmstadt we had the pleasure of meeting Louis Perrochon, who approached (together with Roman Fischer) a similar problem (as described in their paper "IDLE: Unified W3-access to interactive information servers" in the proceedings of this conference). Many ideas are very similar. In their work they also define a language suited to describe the user interface of an information server. In the present paper we stress the fact that it is possible to use WWW technology for creating new user interfaces for old programs as well as to provide a network interface to programs which do not have one.

5. References

T. Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, J. Groff, B. Pollermann. World-Wide Web: The Information Universe. Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy, 2(1), pp. 52-58, Meckler Publications, Westport CT, Spring 1992.

T. Berners-Lee, D. Connolly. Hypertext Markup Language: A Representation of Textual Information and Metainformation for Retrieval and Interchange. Internet Working Draft. CERN,Atrium Technology Inc. Work in progress.

T. Berners-Lee, R. T. Fielding, H. Frystyk Nielsen . Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0. Work in progress.

D. Connolly. HTML Specification Review Materials. Internet Working Draft..

Rob McCool. National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Common Gateway Interface Overview. Work in progress. http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/overview.html