The Tyrolean Health Information Network

Das Gesundheitsinformationsnetz Tirol

Dr. Wolfgang Schoner,
Institute for Biostatistics and Documentation, University of Innsbruck (Head: Prof. Dr. K.P. Pfeiffer),
Anichstasse 35a, A-6020 Innsbruck
Medicine, Public Health, Diseases, Prevention, Medical Examinations, Hospitals, Citizens, Patients, Physicians, Social Sponsoring, Medical Informatics, Tyrolean Health Information Network


One of the primary goals of medical informatics is to develop really useful tools that support patients, physicians, nurses or other health care professionalists by making use of the existing methods and techniques of information technology, telecommunication, management and organization theory. At the time we are starting a project that is going to provide the Tyrolean citizens with an information network about the health system, its institutions and organizations. In the following paper we present the aim of this project - the goals, the benefits and our strategy to establish the system and getting it widely used.

What is the Tyrolean Health Information Network?

The Tyrolean Health Information Network is a comprehensive, well organized collection of diverse informations about the Tyrolean healthsystem, its institutions and organizations. It features informations

The Tyrolean Health Information Network will be an up-to-date, comprehensive, well structured, clear, reliable, written, understandable, easily, fast and 24h per day accessible collection of these informations.

The Tyrolean Health Information Networks makes use of the Internet, particulary the WWW, since this serves as an readily available technique. This allows to continually update all information. By using multimedia even complex medical facts can be explained in a way, every user can understand. On contrary to other interactive techniques like the Teletext-services, WWW also allows to print the information. This is extremely important for establishing the system.

The Tyrolean Health Information Networks will also establish a regional news group that supports the multilateral information exchange between citizens and health care providers.

Who shall benefit from the Tyrolean Health Information Network?

Primarily patients, their relatives and other health customers shall benefit from it. The Tyrolean Health Information Network shall help

However, the Tyrolean Health Information Network will also support professionalists:

How to access the Tyrolean Health Information Network

As a patient or health customer there are several possibilities:

Realization of the Tyrolean Health Information Network

The realization of the Tyrolean Health Information Network will be dominated by rather collecting and structuring existing material than by working out new information resources. This enables us to build up our information network very fast and to break up our project into small working packages that can be done by students. Additionally the existing material is assumed to be closely related to the present demands of the citizens.

However, we have to investigate the citizens demands in a more sophisticated way and we have to invest into the physicians internet accounts, into the production and care of HTML-Pages and into Public Relations. Therefore we have worked out encouraging offerings to potential sponsors.

The first pages will already be produced when the Third International WWW-conference in Darmstadt takes place. We expect to go on the net in the fourth quarter of 1995. However, a demonstration with full sponsor information will be available on the internet soon (see URL: