
Kari-Pekka Turtiainen
R&D; Manager
OF-Open Forms Ltd.
Ylistönmäentie 31
Antti Auer
Master of Administrative Science
University of Jyväskylä
P.O Box 35
Virtual Reality, WWW, Workplace, Entrepreneur, Electronic commerce

Virtual Workplace

Entrepreneur who uses networks at his or her work
Our goal is to create a familiar looking, easy-to-use environment for non-professional computer users. This environment allows free interaction between newly emerging media and everyday activities in our workplaces.
At present, we are facing a rapid expansion of multimedia and the extensive use of the Internet for business purposes. A term Context-based use of the media is used to describe current development on workplaces.
Entrepreneurs who do not use computers and computer networks in their work as a primary tool need simple computer mediated environments and tools. They want to be in control over their computers and, especially, over their workplace.

Virtual Workplace

NetRepreneurs want to utilize computers and networks at their work and not only use Internet for the sake of itself. They want to share their information, make teamwork and establish connections with their partners.
The properties of this interface are:

Technical background

We are going take advantage of Internet and Word Wide Web -based communication and all the services it provides.

Physical properties of the Virtual Workplace


NetRepreneurs can establish co-operatives where each individual NetRepreneur manages her or his own business but accounting, taxation, invoicing and other administration tasks are run by shared personnel.
This co-operative can act as a facade to customers so that individual NetRepreneurs are not alone but they have some support from each other and their common facilities.
Another form of cooperation is project work, where individuals are responsible for different tasks. Usually, they have a project leader, some interests in common in their work and a lot of need for communicating with each other.

Common tools

By default, NetRepreneurs are offered several tools. In this paper, we are not discussing conventional office tools, like word processing or spreadsheet applications, but our concern is co-operation and the use of services via Internet. Usually, these tools are situated partly on servers and partly on clients. We can divide these tools into several categories:


Information search (some examples)


Interactive Computer Generated Environment

So far, we have described the properties and the services of a Virtual Workplace. How can we implement this environment?
We need both hardware and software to fulfill the requirements of the system and we also need a server provider (SP) which can create the basic environment and interface and provide the basic tools to the NetRepreneur.


NoTime Enterprises: Entrepreneurs on the Web,
Masato Fukushima,The Virtual Office Project,
The Virtual Hospital,