The World Wide Web as a Tool for Collaborative Inter-Agency Projects:
Creation of an Environmental Metadata Database for the Analysis of the Venice Lagoon Ecosystem.

Mirko Labbri, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia.
Laboratorio di Fotogrammetria, S.Polo Calle della Lacca 2468/A, 30125 Venezia
Lagoon, Environment, Databases, Geographical Information Systems, Collaboration, Venice, Italy

Environmental change analysis involves complex multivariable system and data structures models, where complexity assumes a special dimension in the transitional lagoon ecosystem. These are especcially difficult to study in a consistent manner because considerable and relevant changes happen and interfere with human perception of phenomena and human acquisition and assimilation times of each event.

A major problem in the use of available data is the fragmentation of existing "databases" and complex duplication histories of data sets through various private and pubblic bodies. Furthermore a the lack of information on quality and the absence of error analysis and more specifically the lack of time reference and of any temporal validation, consitutes an impediment to reliable research progress.

In the context of the Venitian Lagoon System Project of the Istituto Universitario di Architettura - Venezia, the Thematic Data Unit (Director Prof. A. Bianchin) is designing and developing a prototype of a thematic and environmental geographic information system on the lagoon and adjoining areas. The main task accomplished as preliminary works include the creation of metadata database thus allowing researchers to have an overview of the present situation.

At an early stage a Filemaker Pro application was developed for the database

Structure of metadata is complex.

To organize the information available in different pubblic, private and local autority agencies different solution were evaluated. As the metadata database has taken shape, the need for diffusion and dissemination of the information became evident, as well as access to the database structure and its eventual rearrangement to satisfy external users requirements. The need for a rationalizzation of present, and future, similar efforts, such as the ongoing ones at The Department of Natural Science of the University of Venice "Ca' Foscari" and the Institute for the Study of the Dinamics of Great Masses (National Research Council) has lead to the natural decision of implementing the system under a WWW structure integrated with a relational databases.

The development and implementation of the database structure, the usage of the database itself and a general overview of available information is given and the significance of the WWW server existence for all agencies and other interested bodies of the area is evaluated, foreseen impacts of the project are discussed

The development of the available system into a full featured interface to the community of research and management agencies that relates to the Venetian Lagoon System, where not only browsing, search and downloading, but also uploading through predefined input forms, is possible, is still in progress and will be reviewed.

Bianchin, A., Di Monte M., Labbri, M., Pesaresi M., Pasqualin, M., Building a World Wide Web Database for Environmental Metadata Analysis of the Lagoon Ecosystem: The Experience of Venice, International Conference on Environment and Informatics (EN+IN), Budapest, Hungary, June 29-July 1, 1995.