E-mail pitkow@cc.gatech.edu
R. Kipp Jones
E-mail kipp@cc.gatech.edu
Research on systems such as Hyper-G [Kappe 94] nearly parallel the work presented in this paper. Though a complete comparison between the Web and Hyper-G is beyond the scope of this paper, several differences exist. First, attempts have been made to conform to current accepted practices and developing standards where possible. This includes the incorporation of the latest Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) drafts for HTML, Uniform Resource Characteristic (URC) [Mealling 94] and Uniform Resource Name (URN) [Sollins 94], and WHOIS++ [Deutsch 94] name resolution into our prototype. While Hyper-G also manages meta-information and unique document identification spaces, no design decision is evident that such choices were made in lieu of current standardization practices.
Unlike the Web, Hyper-G maintains a centralized link database in addition to a document server. This separation of document content from hyperlink structure has several advantages. Most notably, maintenance of referential integrity, i.e. ensuring that all links point to existing documents, of the links is facilitated. The link database can also facilitate visualizations of the local database as well as the automated maintenance of hyperlinks upon document deletions. A disadvantage of Hyper-G is that data fusion (combination of document content and structure) must be performed by the client in order to view the document. The Web does not separate content and structure and thus does not need to perform data fusion, but lacks link maintenance facilities.
The second scenario occurs when the publishers and the sever are accessible via a secure local area network(1) (LAN). Security of file transfer is not an issue since the operating and file management systems are assumed to be mutually trusted. In other words, the server-side publishing environment ought to be able to issue a copy file command without abnormal threat of intruder. Most cases in this class involve multiple publishers with potentially several servers. We refer to this scenario as centralized publishing since the publishers and servers share a central view of the filesystem.
The third situation occurs when the publisher and server do not share a common file space. In this case, the document to be published must be transferred to the server in a secure and efficient manner for entry into the server's document repository. This most likely involves a large number of publishing groups as well as multiple servers. We refer to this scenario as distributed publishing since other publishers and servers view the filesystem as distributed. Figure 2 provides a diagram of these scenarios. Our environment provides support for all of the above scenarios.
From the UNIX(2) standpoint, the above scenarios can be viewed as: editing a document directly within the server's document space (direct publishing), copying a file into the server area (centralized publishing), or submitting files to the local Webmaster for publication via e-mail or similar methods of file transfer (distributed publishing). Regardless, much of the intelligence and functionality that does not exist in current Web-based systems can occur during the publishing phase. That is, we desire a server environment that has more information about a document than determining at the time a document is requested whether an inode(3) exists.
For Web documents, checking refers to the validity of the HTML as well as the availability of hyperlinks. Several packages exist that facilitate hyperlink maintenance and availability [Pitkow 93, Fielding 94, EIT 94], as well as HTML correctness [Connely 94, Arena 94]. Few environments exist that support version control, i.e. controlling multiple revisions of documents.
Publishing environments can perform several tasks during this stage. First, link databases can be updated to reflect both the internal and external links (links to documents on local and other servers respectively) contained in the document. Second, document meta-information can be extracted and presented to the author for final approval. Third, the document can be copied into the server area in a controlled, secure manner. This entails user authorization as well as version control. Finally, the appropriate scalable architecture can be notified of the newly available document. An ideal system would directly support all of the above functionalities(4).
Document maintenance occurs when either information needs to be changed, or a redesign of the document is necessitated. Both potentially involve content as well as structural modifications. Ideally, an environment would support the maintenance process by pushing the database maintenance tasks away from the author, requiring the publishing environment and/or the underlying database management system to assume responsibility for these tasks. This includes the maintenance of the referential integrity of hyperlinks within the database, the verification of the document in so far as possible, and the capability to gracefully recover by offering versioning control.
Upon completion of the editing and testing cycle, the author re-publishes the document. As with initial document publication, the author should be presented with information regarding the validity of the document submitted. Additionally, information from the original document, namely the resource name and the resource characteristics, could be presented to the author for update. An interesting issue at this point involves the determination of sufficient modification to require a new resource name. That is, at what point does a document change sufficiently to warrant a new resource name?
An ideal system would protect documents from unauthorized activities. In particular, only desired authors should be allowed to control document content and existence. In addition, document transfer and copying, whether centralized or distributed, need to be secure.
One of the most important contributions with respect to the Web may be the refinement and inclusion of architectures that support global information location and global resource discovery. One such architecture, the WHOIS++ Index Service, is being developed by members of the Integration of Internet Information Resources Working Group and the Whois Network Information Lookup Service Working Group areas of the IETF. Coupled with the work of the Uniform Resource Identifiers Working Group on URN and URC, the WHOIS++ architecture holds much promise for both information location and shallow discovery tasks. Our publishing environment was explicitly designed to readily integrate and expand upon the basic functionality of these efforts.
Similar to the Harvest [Bowman 94], the WHOIS++ architecture attempts to handle the resource location and discovery problems. The WHOIS++ scheme utilizes URC's and URNs for name permenance and location independent name resolution. Below is an example of a URC with an embedded URN as generated by our prototype (please refer to references for a complete description and explanation):
URN:DNS:urn.cc.gatech.edu:/tmp/test.html Author: World Wide Web Maintainer {: Signature: not available Title: Georgia Tech: College of Computing Home Page Created: Thu Dec 8 0:55:02 1994 Publisher: Georgia Tech College of Computing Keywords: Univversity Computing Information content-type: text/html Size: 3052 Version: 1.0 Pub+Date: Thu Dec 8 0:55:02 1994 LIFN: not available Abstract: not available Last_Modified: Thu Dec 8 0:55:02 1994 Notes: none }: URL:http://www.cc.gatech.edu/CoC.test4.html
The prototype consists of several programs along with a library of general purpose routines (see Figure 3). These programs are supplemented by three customized databases: a publisher database that maintains records of registered authors, a database that maps a given URL to files that link to it (document-inlink relation), and a database that maps a given file to the URLs contained within its content (document-outlink relation).
"Basic" authentication between the client and server is used to provide a means to access the database. A slight modification to the server allowed the verified user id to be passed on to the authoring environment, which then performed a simple lookup within the access control list. The access control list consists of individual and group authority for both individual documents as well as directory level access. The negotiation for this access is handled "out of band," presumably using a something akin to e-mail and system accounts. The local Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the access control list.
Security with respect to file upload is not covered in detail in this paper. We note however that the RSA secure servers and clients are now available which preclude the need for adding this functionality to the publishing environment [Spry 95].
The Publish program takes as input a file name as well as the desired URL to be used to identify the file. An HTML form is used to receive input from the author regarding the document. A recent internet-draft [Nebel 94] specifies a method to be used for form-based file uploading on the client side. This allows the author to specify a file not accessible to the server, i.e. as in the distributed publishing scenario. Additional parameters can also be sent including naming scheme to use for URN creation (DNS or IANA). Upon submission, Publish first verifies the authority of the publisher via either: 1) lookup in the publisher database, which is maintained by the local Webmaster or 2) operating system supported user identification. Once the verification process is completed, the program extracts all URLs contained within the file as well as other document attributes.
At this point, the integrity of the embedded hyperlinks is verified and the HTML validated. Capitalizing on the work of others, we utilize the services offered by HAL and EIT's HTML analyzer. The author is informed of any warnings that occur. It may be that the document being published contains hyperlinks to documents not yet published. For this scenario, the author is allowed to override the warnings and mandate final document publication.
In accordance with the latest URC and URN specifications, the author name, file size, file creation time, last modified time, current capabilities as per the permissions field in UNIX, and MIME content type are determined via a combination of inode, "/etc/passwd" and "/etc/group" mining (see above URC example). We note that more sophisticated meta-information generation software can be inserted into this phase of processing, e.g. automatic keyword extraction [Pitkow 95]. The URN is composed based upon either a DNS or IANA naming scheme as determined by the author submitting the document. All of the above information is then formatted into HTML and returned to the user for editing, though the editing of certain fields is not enabled, e.g. file size, creation time, etc.
When the author approves the document for publication, the document is parsed and all hyperlinks are extracted and entered into the document-outlink database and an entry is made in the document-inlink database as well. Then, the file is copied over (direct/centralized publishing) or extracted from the passed in parameters via the file upload method (distributed publishing) into the server's document area. The file does not maintain ownership by the author; it is now owned by the UID running the http server. This prevents authors from indirectly manipulating documents. Our current prototype dumps the URC to a file, which is transferred to the local WHOIS++ server manually. We note that this stage will be replaced with the issuing of the CREATE TEMPLATE command to the local WHOIS++ server once the latter's security code stabilizes. Finally, an entry is made to the version control system that notes the publication of the document. Our implementation uses SCCS for version control, though we note the ease of other system inclusion.
Deletion also follows a two phase process. During the initial phase, the author enters the URL of the file to be deleted. The Delete code resolves the URL to the corresponding URC and URN. The code also checks the publisher database for authority as well as the permissions of the file. In order for the deletion to be viewed as valid, the author information in the URC must match the UID of the user making the request for deletion. This resolution of author name to UID is explicitly provided by standard Perl system calls in both the direct and centralized publishing scenarios. Author name resolution for distributed maintenance is handled via a user lookup within the database. Once verified, the URC is passed back to the author for final confirmation of deletion.
The Delete code is destructive. Not only is the intended file deleted, but all links to the now deleted URL within the server's document space are removed. This process is simplified by the document-inlink database since it contains the list of files that point to the recently deleted file. For each file in the list, the HTML is parsed and the anchor identified and removed. The new version of the file is checked into the version control system with the comment field stating which link was removed. A new URC is not generated for the file as the structural changes are currently assumed to be minimal. Since the publishing environment contains a database of publisher information, the author of the changed file is notified via e-mail that their file has been changed. Furthermore, a weighting scheme that determines the amount of structural change that resulted by the removal of the anchor could be calculated and used to suggest the appropriateness of a new version. Neither of the two latter functionalities are currently implemented in our prototype. As with the publishing code, all changes are logged to the file which is manually transferred to the WHOIS++ server, though we plan for this communication to be performed automatically.
Updates to existing documents are relatively simple. The author is presented with a screen on their WWW browser that enables them to enter the URL they wish to update, the filename of the document to replace the URL, and a radio button asking whether they want to create a new version within the URC that already exists for the document. Once the permissions of the author have been checked, the new document is parsed and its set of links added to the document-outlink database, overwriting the previous values. Commands are issued to the version control system which update the document and the change is noted to file for transfer to the WHOIS++ server. Note that updates to documents may necessitate the issuing of a new URN, though, we leave this up to the author to decide, while providing hints about how much has changed structurally, i.e. the number of links which have changed.
Ancillary to the act of publishing is the abstraction of the database management system from the author. This abstraction should be maintained throughout the publishing cycle in a consistent manner. A first pass at this process is represented in our prototype work by removal of the burden of link maintenance and hyperlink integrity within the database from the author. We note that this abstraction parallels our initial design goal of maximizing automation while preserving the authority of the author.
Recent work in authoring has primarily focused on the wide-area authentication and authorization support and the front-end WYSIYWIG HTML editors [Lavenant 94]. Our approach has been somewhat different. We are not so much concerned about the actual creation of the document, but have focused more on the publishing aspects. While direct and centralized publishing scenarios rely on the underlying security and authentication mechanism provided by the underlying operating systems, we have relied upon the `basic' authentication provided by most Web browsers, combined with out-of-band negotiation for access. We feel that there are several available solutions which provide additional security, including available RSA based client and servers, any of which could be used in combination with our environment. Practically speaking, authentication and secure transmissions are client-server protocol issues.
Key to the success of the Web and our publishing environment is a methodolgy for external link maintenance. Two scenarios exist that can be incorporated into our publishing environment with a simple protocol. Specifically, when a document is published that contains a link to an external document, an "ADD_LINK" message can be sent to the corresponding publishing environment of the external document. This message contains the URL of the citing document and the document being linked. Thus, each link database contains complete in-link information on a global scale. Similarly, when a document is deleted, the publishing environments of all referencing documents can be notified via a "DELETE_LINK" message. This message contains the anchor content and link to remove as well as the document to remove the link from. Note that this solves all referential integrity problems in a non-centralized manner and thus initially seems to scale well.
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KIPP JONES received his B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in 1988. Currently pursuing a Master's degree at the Graphics, Visualization, & Usability center in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. Research interests include such diverse topics as distributed publishing, 3D distributed object based environments, and physically realistic animation of human motion.