Footsteps: Trail-blazing the Web

David Nicol,
Signal Processing Division,
University of Strathclyde,

Calum Smeaton
Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering,
Heriot Watt University,

Alan Falconer Slater
Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering,
Heriot Watt University,
The World Wide Web has already been demonstrated to be an excellent mechanism for the distribution of educational resources. However, current browsers do not provide much support for users navigating the Web. This is particularly true in cases where users follow a link from a previously prepared 'trail' and then experience difficulties in returning to the point where they left. This paper describes a guided tour mechanism, known as Footsteps, which has been developed in an attempt to solve this problem.
Authoring Environments
Computer Based Training and Teaching
Tools and Browsers


Project INTERACT [Project INTERACT] has attempted to develop a generic framework for the use of simulations in an educational environment. A key feature of the approach taken by INTERACT is that simulations, which are constructed to be as pedagogically neutral as possible, are specialised for a particular session by embedding them within a hypermedia environment which provides supporting explanatory courseware. This hypermedia environment is supplied by standard W3 [Berners-Lee], [NCSA Mosaic Project 1994] tools, with the links between these tools and simulations being provided by the Interact Communication Facility (ICF)[Slater 1994]. The complete environment, which includes an object-oriented simulation toolkit with W3-based control and reporting facilities, is described in [Smeaton & Slater 1994].

The production of good educational simulations is a costly undertaking, typically requiring at least one person-year. To justify the construction of such programs it is necessary to be able to use each simulation in as many circumstances as possible and within courses produced by different teachers. In a similar fashion, the components of the associated courseware should also be as reusable as possible. Although the Web provides a superb basis for the development of distributed educational resources, navigation through the resulting structure can be confusing. Although it is arguable that such free exploration should be encouraged, we feel that the pragmatic constraints often placed upon students requires that additional navigational aids be provided. These constraints are especially obvious where systems are being used to augment traditional laboratory work on science or engineering courses.

The fact that students quite often have specific educational objectives for a particular session can therefore be seen to conflict with the possibilities for open-ended exploration presented by the Web. Novice users often feel lost in the information spaces, unsure of where they are, "there is a risk that they will become disoriented or have trouble finding the information they need" [Nielsen 1990]. Even in a small document which could be read in one hour, "users experienced the 'lost in hyperspace' phenomenon" [Neilson & Lyngbaek 1990].

A simple solution to this problem is to construct courseware modules which are relatively self-contained with few opportunities provided for exploration. This type of courseware has already been used successfully with students at the three universities involved in INTERACT. Unfortunately, this approach can be seen to be somewhat at odds with the general 'spirit' of the Web.

Navigational aids within documents have been observed to be a cause of many navigational problems. Attractive navigation icons are often included within documents, with buttons such as "Forward", "Back" and "Up". These are almost inevitably hard-wired links to specific documents. These types of buttons are, of course, rather difficult to provide in documents (such as glossaries) which will be linked to by many URLs. This problem is compounded by the inconsistencies between the navigational controls provided by browsers and those included within documents. Assuming non-linear navigation through a document, it is almost always the case that the result of selecting a "Back" link in a document will differ from the, apparently equivalent, button on the browser.

To fully exploit the Web as a vehicle for the delivery of courseware a more supportive learning environment is required which can still make use of all the power of the Web whilst still maintaining a level of control over navigation. We must provide a navigational mechanism that allows students to follow interesting links to resources anywhere on the Web whilst providing a simple means of returning to the point where the student left the set of materials which have been designated as being directly associated with the current educational objective.

Guided Tours

In other hypertext systems guided tour facilities, such guided tours [Trigg 1988] and trails [Bush 1967], have been employed to aid novice users navigate through information spaces. Indexed overview facilities are also often employed [Neilson 1990].

Guided tours can help to remove the dependency on navigating through a complex structure of hypertext nodes, and "can be used to introduce new readers to the general concept of a hypertext" [Nielsen 1990]. Shown below is a conceptual diagram of navigating through a set of pages using a guided tour, with added functionality to manage any digression from the tour:

INTERACT has developed a guided tour system for the Web, called Footsteps, which is intended for use with simulation-based courseware. Authors can set a pre-defined path for users to navigate through the courseware, with students being allowed digressions from this pre-defined path whilst being provided with a "Return to tour" button on all documents not included in the tour, regardless of the source of these documents. An information bar is added to each document which contains the current location within the tour and links for following the tour.

Shown below is a typical page from a Footsteps tour, this example is a tutorial document used along-side an external soil mechanics simulation:

The user is free to click on any link on the page, if this takes them to a page outside the tour then this new page will be modified 'on the fly' to include a link back to the most recently accessed tour page. The user is able to travel as far as she wants from the tour with the security of always having available a direct means of returning to the appropriate step in the tour.

An example of what happens if the user digresses from a tour is shown below, in this case the user has selected the help tutorial:

An index button is also supplied on all pages on the tour, this allows users to examine the overall structure of the tour upon which they have embarked. The index page provides links to all the pages on the tour. A sample index page is shown below:


Footsteps is implemented as a single perl CGI script [Wall & Schwartz 1990], [McCool 1993], using libwww-perl [Fielding 1994]. The script reads a tour file, which specifies the URLs in the order they are to appear in the tour. Additional configuration parameters can also be specified within the this file. An example tour file is shown below:

When the tour starts, the Footsteps script retrieves the first URL in the tour file, but before returning it to the client it performs the following actions:

The figure below shows how the script sits between the user's client and the servers which provides the documents on the tour:

Navigation Tool Configuration

The script currently provides the following tour configuration options:


Hammond and Allinson [Hammond & Allinson 1989] report an increase in the effectiveness of hypertext in a learning environment when users are given "useful tools embedded within a simple interface, in the hope that the worst consequences of task dependency will be absorbed by the strategic options that the range of facilities makes available to the user". Neilson [Neilson 1990] adds a "wider coverage of the materials and more efficient access to new information", when users are provided with guided tour and index overview features to foster exploration.

The advantages of Footsteps are listed below:



The Footsteps script has so far been used in two sets of course-ware. These are, a Web document aimed at teaching Fourier Analysis, and a tutorial document used in conjunction with an application simulating a soil mechanics laboratory/experiment. The Fourier Analysis document is currently being used by students at the University of Strathclyde. Evaluation studies are currently being carried out by the Institute of Computer Based Learning at Heriot Watt University. The soil mechanics laboratory tutorial/simulation will be in use next term.

The script has also been used for providing tours from home pages, such as the Project INTERACT Home Page [Project INTERACT].

Future Developments

At the moment tour creation requires the generation of a tour file using any standard editor. We are at the moment carrying out requirements capture with a view to developing a WYSIWYG tourManager editor. Once Web pages are written we envisage a situation not unlike Bush's vision where "a user might want to photograph a whole trail for friends to put on their Memexes", where trails can be created for others to follow [Bush 1967]. These tours should be distributed on the Web like any other resource.

At the moment the index overview facility is comprised of a list of pages on the tour, with the description of the page taken from the <TITLE>...</TITLE> field of each document. We would like to develop this facility to include an optional graphical overview map of the tour. The script is also being extended to allow an extra description field to specified in the tour file, and if present this will be used in the index, rather than having to retrieve the whole document just to retrieve this information.


This paper describes one solution to a navigational problem discovered during the construction of Web based educational resources. This solution uses a script to manage a tour through a set of documents on the Web, when users digress from this tour they are provided with a direct means of returning to the point where they left the tour. Tours in Footsteps are specified independently of the documents held within the tour, which allows a single document to be included in many tours.

The latest version of the script is available at:


Berners-Lee, T.,
World Wide Web Initiative. WWW Home Page:
Bush, V. Memex revisited. In Bush, V. (Ed.) (1967),
Science is not Enough, William Morrow and Co. Reprinted in Nyce, J. M., and Kahn, P. (Eds.) (1991), From to Hypertext: Vannavar Bush and the Mind's Machine. Academic Press, 197-216.
Fielding, R. (1994),
Hammond, N. and Allinson, L. (1989),
Extending hypertext for learning: An investigation of access and guidance tools. in Sutcliffe, A. and Macaulay, L. (Eds.): People and Computers V, Cambridge University Press, 293-304
McCool, R. (1993),
The Common Gateway Interface.
NCSA Mosaic Project (1994),
NCSA Mosaic Home Page,
Nielsen J. (1990),
Hypertext and Hypermedia. Academic Press Ltd.
Nielsen, J. and Lyngbaek, U. (1990),
Two field studies of hypermedia usability. in McAleese, R. and Green, C. (Eds.) Hypertext: State of the Art, Ablex, 64-72.
Project INTERACT Home Page,
Slater, A. F. (1994),
The Interact Communication Facility. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the World-Wide Web, CERN Geneva, Switzerland.
Smeaton, C. and Slater, A. F. (1994),
Integrating Simulations and W3 Courseware. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the World-Wide Web, Chicago.
Trigg, R. H. (1988),
Guided tours and tabletops: Tools for communicating in a hypertext environment. ACM Trans. Office Information Systems 6, 4 (October), 398-414.
Wall, L. and Schwartz, R. L., (1990),
Programming perl, O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastapol, CA.

The Authors

David Nicol

David Nicol is a Teaching Assistant at the University of Strathclyde, currently employed on the TLTP Project INTERACT, developing engineering simulation GUIs. He is also the Signal Processing Division Web manager, and SPD MBONE facilities maintainer. The author holds the Msc in HCI from Heriot Watt University, during which time he carried out research into physical activity instruction via computers, and developed a prototype package to teach Yoga postures. He also spent a short period in Ultrix and PC support.

The author is currently continuing requirements capture and design of educational W3 authoring support tools.

Calum Smeaton

Calum Smeaton is a Computer Assistant at Heriot Watt University working on the TLTP Project INTERACT, he is responsible for the design and implementation of the project's software tool the Presentation Manager. After studying Electronics and then Software Engineering, the author spent two and half years at Marconi Simulation where he worked on systems and graphics software on their own proprietary hardware and compilers. He worked on several large projects for industrial simulators where he was responsible for all aspects of GUI's.

He has recently set up a W3 consultancy company called Orbital Technologies with fellow author Alan Slater.

Alan Falconer Slater

Alan Falconer Slater is a Research Associate in the Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering at Edinburgh's Heriot-Watt University. He is currently employed on the SERC/DTI MOBIT project which is developing industrial Intelligent Training Systems in collaboration with a number of industrial partners. Alan has also worked on a number of large European projects, funded under the CECÆs ESPRIT programme, investigating model-based diagnosis and ITSs.

During work on the INTERACT TLTP project, which aimed to produce an environment for delivering educational simulations, he became interested in hypermedia tools and the W3. He is currently in the final stages of preparing a PhD thesis which is based on his work in the field of ITS systems. This thesis identifies a generic architecture for intelligent agents which is used to provide the basis for realising the two main modules of an ITS system: the domain expert and the tutor.

As part of the MOBIT project he is examining the possibility of delivering computer-based training material via W3 tools, the training domains for MOBIT being control of a nuclear power plant (with Scottish Nuclear) and the manufacture of computer systems (with Digital Equipment Scotland Limited).