A Protocol for Scalable Group and Public Annotations

Daniel LaLiberte, NCSA
Alan Braverman, NCSA
NCSA is adding support for group and public annotations to its HTTP server and Mosaic client. The primary concern addressed in this paper is how to ensure that the feature is scalable. Our solution requires each document server to tell the client where to get public annotations for a document, whereas the user tells the client where to get group annotations for a document. We argue that our solution is no less scalable than the web itself. Finally, we address the problem of finding out what is new.

Scalability, Group Annotations, Public Annotations, Collaboration Technologies, Notification


First, we give some background on annotations, scalability generally, and scalability of the world wide web. Then we present our solution for group and public annotations with an overview of the protocol. and compare it to other attempted solutions and related existing practices. Finally, we address the important problem that confronts readers of how to find out what is new, and we discuss the tradeoffs between two kinds of solutions: polling and notification.


Annotations may be used for multiple purposes not all of which are suggested by the term "annotation". Uses include responses to a document or to another annotation in the sense of a conversation, additions to an ordered list of items, and evaluations of the worth or appropriateness of a document for some purpose. Both the annotations and the document being annotated (called the base document) may be HTML text, images, sounds or any other kind of object that can be referenced by a URL. Annotations of services (where a URL references a service as opposed to a document) may be reasonable too. An "annotation server" is a server that stores and returns annotations for one or more documents, and is the authoritative source for data about the annotations.

Many browsers now support personal annotations associated with any document, created and readable only by the user of the browser. In addition to personal annotations, a document may have any number of public annotations created and readable by members of the public, and it may have any number of group annotations created and readable by members of many distinct groups. We can distinguish between users who may both create and read annotations, and those who may only create or only read annotations. It is conceivable to allow group annotations of public annotations, and publically readable annotations created by members of a group. Other variables to consider are who can edit or delete annotations, and who moderates or monitors group and public annotations?

A good survey of many design and implement issues for annotations is [GRA94].


A solution to a problem is scalable if it continues to work when some variable in the problem changes, usually to a very large value. A solution that works fine for a small problem set may turn out to be impractical for the same problem when scaled up to large size. Furthermore, existing unscalable software must be replaced, data converted, and users reeducated to make use of a new, scalable solution. If we can anticipate the need for solutions that are scalable with respect to a known variable, it may be worthwhile to design software accordingly.

To achieve scalability, the changing variable must be factored out so that the solution requires only a constant or manageable amount of the fixed resources. For example, a linear search through a list usually works fine if the list is small taking time proportional to the size of the list. But for a large number of elements, a binary search through a ordered, balanced tree is more efficient because it reduces the search time to the log of the number of elements. Some solutions can be made more scalable by adding more processors (for example, searching branches of a tree concurrently), but then scalability problems often arise in the communication between the concurrent processes.

Scalability of the Web

To properly address the question of scalable annotations, we must first address the scalability of the web itself. Some of the significant limited resources in the World Wide Web are network bandwidth and processor capability of servers and clients. Another limited resource is human capacity to produce and consume information. Network bandwidth and processing power are generally increasing, but not fast enough to keep up with the exponentially increasing number of users on the network.

The most significant scalability challenge for the web is the number of users, which will soon be in the billions. This would not be a problem if people limited their activities to their local machines, but the nature of the World Wide Web is that users request documents and services from servers at remote locations. This is a problem for two reasons. Requests from users to random servers add to the network traffic in proportion to the number of requests, which is proportional to the number of users. (This is mostly a problem for routers along the path taken rather than merely a bandwidth problem on the segments between routers.) The second cause of problems is that the interests of users will never be evenly distributed over all available servers, so some servers are likely to experience more load than others in proportion to the total number of users. Therefore the first cause (random remote requests) loads the network whereas the second cause (non-uniform remote requests) loads some servers more than others.

One obvious solution to the scalability problem of access to documents is caching of documents closer to users. This reduces both network traffic and server load. A similar solution is replication which is essentially caching before the documents are requested. The cost of massive replication can be reduced by using a flooding distribution such as is supported by the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP). Furthermore, replication can be applied to services as well as documents. If replicated servers are in clusters near the original server, this reduces the load on any one server, but it does not reduce the network traffic because all requests still go to the cluster. However, if replicated servers are distributed around the web, and if clients can automatically locate the nearest server, this would reduce network traffic as well.

As a general rule, scalability of the web requires that documents and services be moved closer to clients.

The Scalable Annotation Problem

Annotations of documents have at least as many scalability problems as ordinary documents. Annotations, like other documents, should be cachable. If WWW clients must start using document caches to make the web scalable, this same principle should be applicable to annotations of documents.

Other variables addressed by this paper that affect scalability for annotations include the following:

It is not difficult to make group annotations scalable provided a group annotation server sufficiently restricts the number of members of the group and the number of documents which may be annotated. There is often a shared responsibility by the members of a group to make the group work for all its members. But for a very large group or a large number of annotatable documents, the scalability problems resurface. A large group is a problem because of the increased load. A large number of documents is a problem because of the increased load to serve a large number of annotations, or at least to respond to more requests for annotations that may not exist.

The major cause of problems for public annotations is that the public is essentially a very large group that includes everyone. With a critical mass of participants, there is more that everyone wants to say. To compensate for the large number of readers and writers, the number of documents that may be annotated by a public annotation server should be severly limited.

For everyone to have access to public annotations, the annotations must be available in a public place. But this public place can certainly not be a single public place for all annotations of all documents; even a small number of public places would be insufficient. A large number of public places would seem to be a possible solution, but that tends to be a waste of space and time since not everyone reads everything. This is discussed further in Other Attempts at Scalable Annotations.

One important concern we do not address here is how users find out about groups and documents with public annotations that they are likely to be interested in. This is related to searching and publication, issues which have their own scalability problems, but the problem is also related to finding out when new annotations are available, which we do address in the section What's New.

Our Solution

Briefly, our solution to the scalability problems for annotations requires each document server to tell the client where to get public annotations for a document, whereas the user tells the client where to get group annotations for a document.

Since each server of a document references the public annotation server(s) for that document, this potentially distributes the load for serving annotations to at least as many servers as there are document servers, and possibly many more. A public annotation server may serve annotations for as many or as few document servers as desired, and it may be relocated or replicated independently of the document servers. Furthermore, an annotation server could delegate annotations of particular annotations to yet another server. Each document server could be its own public annotation server as well, but this is not a requirement.

The fact that the bodies of annotations are stored on the annotation server is a scalability problem for very large annotations and for a large number of annotations. More space is required to store them and more time is required to deliver them to clients. One solution to this problem involves posting just a URL of an annotation - the annotation itself is stored wherever the author chooses. Authors assume the cost of maintaining the storage and serving these annotations. But until most users have a server available to them, we shouldn't require it, and instead, annotation servers should restrict the size and number of annotations.

The fact that clients ask public annotation servers for the annotations is also a scalability problem. With an ever increasing number of clients asking for annotations, the same annotation server will experience increased load. Part of the solution could be to replicate annotation servers and to delegate some responsibility to other annotation servers. But the longer term scalable solution takes advantage of the fact that annotations are treated as ordinary documents retrieved via HTTP: Annotations may be cached closer to clients just as documents are, so annotation servers are only requested to deliver an annotation if it is not found in a cache. One debatable point that affects caching is whether the act of adding an annotation to a document is considered a change of the document itself or only a change to its metadata, and that leads into the next issue.

The fact that clients need to ask a document server for the location of the public annotation server is a scalability problem for the same reason that requesting the annotations from the annotation server is a scalability problem. But the reference to the annotation server could be stored in the metadata for the document, and if metadata were cachable just as any other data, clients could look first in caches and only then ask the document server.

Group annotations are distributed among all the group annotation servers. That is, each group annotation server specifies what set of documents it serves annotations for and what set of users are allowed to create and read annotations on that server. A single document could have annotations on several different group annotation servers. A server will typically be near the group of users that is served by it, such as an NCSA or MIT group for those communities of users, but it could be anywhere. To further distribute the load, a single group of users might be associated with several group annotation servers, each serving annotations for a different set of documents. Clients should be able to learn what that set of documents is for each group, as a URL pattern for example, to avoid requesting annotations from servers that will have none. This cooperative behavior will increase the scalability of group annotations.

We expect that over the life of a document, both group and public annotations may need to be expired or archived, but that the time frame for removing annotations can be considerably longer than that of articles on Usenet, for example, which need to be expired relatively quickly to make room for new articles. The annotation server for a document is essentially the archive for the communications on the topic of the document, and since readers on the web will go first to this archive (after checking caches, of course), there will tend to be less redundant and inappropriate postings, thus further reducing the volume of traffic and increasing the signal to noise ratio. Even so, selective cleanup of annotations will be required, and topics that turn out to have a lot of interest will need to be subdivided into a number of narrower topics, each with a smaller interest group.

The Annotations Protocol

We are defining a higher-level protocol on top of HTTP for the purpose of communicating between servers and clients about the availability of annotations, the metadata about each annotation, and the text of the annotations themselves. The protocol must also support the creation, editing, and destruction of annotations. Initially, only HTTP accessible annotations of HTTP documents are supported. The protocol is very similar for both group and public annotations; an implementation of a group annotation server should be usable as a public annotation server.

The protocol is described informally in the following sections. A more detailed, formal presentation of the protocol is available [BRA95]. Figure 1 illustrates how a client might get a document and its public and group annotations from respective annotation servers. The description of the protocol ignores where caching might be used to improve scalability, since caching should be invisible in any case.

  1. The WWW client requests a document from an HTTP server as usual.
  2. The HTTP server returns the document as usual, along with the Annotations_CGI header, naming the URL of the CGI-based public annotation server program.
  3. The client queries the public annotation server program for the list of annotations associated with the URL of the base document.
  4. The public annotation server program returns the list in the requested format.
  5. The client queries a user-specified group annotation server in the same fashion as the public annotation server.
  6. The group annotation server returns a list of annotations associated with the base document, accessible only by group members.
  7. The client queries a second group annotation server.
  8. The second group annotation server returns another list of annotations.

Finding Public Annotations

When a client requests a document from a server, the server responds with the document and header lines referencing one or more public annotation servers for that document. Clients who don't know about public annotations will simply not process this header. Clients who do know about annotations may then request annotations of the document from the referenced public annotation servers.

Alternatively, clients could include along with the request for a document a header line or "accepts" option to specify that the document server should return annotations if the document server happens to be the annotation server.

Finding Group Annotations

When a user starts up a WWW client, a configuration parameter indicates which groups the user is a member of and where the group annotation server is for each group. The client authenticates with each group annotation server, and each annotation server returns a description (e.g. a URL pattern) of the set of documents for which it serves annotations. When the client fetches a document, the client also requests annotations of the document from all appropriate group annotation servers. The client can make these requests concurrent with the document request.

If a group annotation server is a nearby the client, the client may bypass HTTP for a more direct connection to the annotation server, or perhaps the client may access the group annotation files directly. These options are outside of our protocol.

Getting Annotations

For both group and public annotations, the remainder of the protocol is the same.

The client requests each annotation server to return information about all appropriate annotations of the document. The client may request information about only those annotations created (or modified?) after some date, perhaps the last date that the user visited the document.

The annotation server returns this information using one of several formats as requested by the client, such as HTML with hyperlinks for each annotation, or some metadata notation. Possibly the bodies of all annotations could be returned with one request.

The client constructs a display of the annotations from this information and enables controls that allow the user to add or edit annotations. It is recommended that clients display annotations of annotations in a nested fashion to reflect the hierarchical nature of this relationship.

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Annotations

The protocol for creating annotations is as follows: The client notifies the annotation server that the user wants to add an annotation for a particular document (or an annotation), and the annotation server checks that the user is allowed to do so. The client may then send the annotation which has been prepared on the client via some dialog with the user.

Alternatively, a client may request that a form be returned for the user to fill in. Our implementation of the annotation server via CGI provides such a form (similar to the HyperNews response form). If the user submits this form, the user is allowed to preview the annotation before committing to it.

Editing is similar to creating but the information that had been entered previously must be sent back to the client. By the way, one might think that public annotation servers have a scalability problem with editing because anyone can create a new annotation, but only the author of an annotation should be allowed to edit it. Therefore, to support editing, a public annotation server must store a password per user, or at least a link to an authentication server for the user. This information could be stored as part of every annotation, or in a separate database, so it grows in proportion to the number of annotations.

Annotations may be deleted by the author or by the owner of the base document. The annotation server first authenticates, and then performs the deletion. Orphaned annotations of a deleted annotation should be moved up to its parent; there they may stay until they are reclaimed or deleted.


Only a small change to HTTP is required to support public annotations, as discussed above. The group and public annotation servers will be implemented entirely in CGI programs, though we will also pursue implementing them as built-in features of the httpd server with further changes to the HTTP protocol. The client, Mosaic, is being changed to know how to fetch and display both group and public annotations.

Other Attempts at Scalable Annotations

Early proposals for how to support public annotations [ANDa93] often involved using Usenet News since that is a well known, widely used model for global news distribution. There might be one or more newsgroups created especially for distribution of public annotations. When you post an annotation either at the document server or via your local NNTP server, it would be replicated via NNTP on all other NNTP servers that carried the newsgroup. To read annotations of a document, clients would look in the appropriate newsgroup.

A variation on this idea is to post just a URL of the annotation instead of the annotation itself. This scheme would save considerable space and transfer time in the usual case that annotations are not read by everyone, but both schemes suffer from the same scalability problems since they both rely on the NNTP model of replication.

The main scalability problem with the NNTP model is that with more and more annotations by an ever growing number of people, NNTP servers must either reduce the number of subscribed groups or reduce the expiration time of articles, or both. Therefore users would not have equal access to public annotations. Increasing the size of disk would allow more annotations to be stored, but soon the time to transfer all the news for one day would take over a day unless bandwidth is also increased. But moreover, even if we could store a couple days worth of news for all newsgroups, why should we want to since most of it will go unread? More and more resources would be tied up doing what a smaller and smaller percentage of users want.

Nevertheless, although NNTP is not scalable as the sole access mechanism, it still has value as a replication service. To read a particular annotation of a document, clients would first look in the appropriate newsgroup, and if it is not there then ask the annotation server.

NCSA provided a group annotation server [MOS93] that was open to the public and so it was essentially a single public annotation server for all annotations of all documents. The server was quickly overloaded and NCSA was forced to disable public access. But as a group annotation server for sufficiently constrained groups, this design is scalable, and it is basically the same as our current design.

Many annotation-like facilities already exist on the World Wide Web [LAL95]. HyperNews [LAL94], WIT, Hot Wired, and the National Performance Review Electronic Open Meeting are all examples of how to support public annotations for the purpose of discussion. All use a similar model of associating the public annotations with the thing being annotated. The difference between our built-in support for public annotations and systems that use standard HTTP 1.0 is that one of three tricks must be used. 1) A URL could go through a CGI program that fetches the real document and returns that with the annotations appended. 2) A URL could reference the real document containing a directive that causes the server to include the annotations. 3) The annotations could be added to the real document.

What's New?

When annotations are used for the purpose of discussion, how will participants and casual observers learn when something new occurs? More generally, how will people learn when a document has been changed or when a new document has been "published"? Similar solutions might be found for all these problems since they all involve new information and potentially interested readers of that information.

As the number of annotations for a document grows large, users will usually not want to see the same old annotations every time they revisit the document, nor will they want to revisit the document at all unless there is something new. Furthermore, you cannot hope to keep up with changes to a moderately large number of documents without help from tools similar to newsreaders and associated personal databases that remember which groups are of interest to you, which annotations you have seen, and what preferences you have for displaying articles. How will just the new annotations be requested, returned, and displayed to readers in a scalable manner?

We discuss two complementary approaches to the problem: polling and notification. [WEI94] discusses the trade-offs of these approaches in terms of "come get it" vs "send it everywhere" relative to broader information infrastructure issues. The Hot Wired system is a good example of how to support polling with server-side filtering, whereas the NPREOM system uses email notification. Our protocol does not yet address the problem at all, except to support filtering by date. We are exploring the notification route and implementing interim solutions with mailing lists.


Learning what is new can be implemented as a particular kind of filtering given the date of the last request. It makes sense for this filtering to be done by the server to avoid sending many annotations that the client has already seen. Either the client can tell the server what the last request date is or the server must remember that date for each subscribed user. A group annotation server has a chance of maintaining the last request date for each member of the group and for each document and annotation. A public annotation server is likely to have problems with such a database of subscribed users, but more on this in the next section.

If you want to periodically find out what is new for a set of documents, you could start up a client-side program that automatically polls the servers of those documents to find out which ones have something new, and generate an HTML document (or several) containing all of this information. This has been suggested by [ANDb93]. But the list of documents that a user is interested in watching should not be too large, or at least the number of new annotations should not be too large, since otherwise the user will not get through it all and the effort to find out what is new will have been wasted.

However, asking all annotation servers of interesting documents for new annotations is not useful unless there is, in fact, something new for most documents most of the time. This may be occasionally appropriate, but for documents that are annotated infrequently and for a large interested public, the server may be frequently asked if there are any new annotations when there are none. Therefore, servers may wish to inhibit excessive polling by clients in order to reduce their load.

To be scalable, the client must be able to poll for new annotations first at local caches. But if something is not in the caches, that doesn't mean there is nothing new; maybe no one else has requested the new annotations yet. Hence the NNTP model of replication before articles have been requested means that users can poll locally for new articles.


For documents that change infrequently, or for users who only want to be reminded of changes infrequently, it may be better for the server to inform the users of the changes via a notification of some kind. Server activated notification avoids the problem of users periodically polling the server even though nothing has changed, but notification can have a cost proportional to the number of users who want to be notified of each change.

To support notification, the server could maintain a mailing list per document. For each change that requires notification, mail would be sent to each member of the list. This is not too much of a burden if the number of list members is not too large. At some point it becomes cost effective to switch over to an NNTP-style flooding distribution of the notifications, but see the discussion of the disadvantages of this approach in the section above on Other Attempts at Scalable Annotations.

A hybrid between mailing lists and NNTP is possible to get the best of both worlds. One route to creating this hybrid is to make mailing lists transparently and dynamically hierarchical with many sublists to handle remote distribution. Another route is to modify NNTP servers to dynamically subscribe and unsubscribe from newsgroups based on local or downstream demand. Ideally we need to distribute the load onto only those nodes in the web that forward the notifications only to interested readers. Each node should have only a small number of neighbors to keep its load relatively constant.


A system to support scalable group and public annotations seems possible, although much work is required to implement it. Of particular concern is the need for wide-spread use of caching and a scalable, distributed notification mechanism.


Contributors to this paper include Michael Shapiro, Ed Grossman, and Joseph Hardin.


Marc Andreessen: Annotations and Usenet News, Suggests distribution of annotations via NNTP, http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/Notes/annotations-and-news.html
Marc Andreessen: Notification and Monitoring, Suggests that annotation servers do filtering, http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/Notes/notification.html
Alan Braverman: Group and Public Annotation Protocol, http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/Annotations/protocol.html
Wayne C. Gramlich: Annotation System Issues, Surveys many annotation issues, http://playground.sun.com/~gramlich/1994/annote/issues/index.html
Daniel LaLiberte: HyperNews Home Page, A prototype of our public annotation system, http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HyperNews/get/hypernews.html
Daniel LaLiberte: Collaboration Technologies on the Web http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HyperNews/get/www/collaboration.html
Mosaic Developers: Group Annotations in NCSA Mosaic, http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/Docs/group-annotations.html
Chris Weider: Wild beasts and unapproachable bogs, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 27 (1994) 361-366, Includes discussion of "come get it" vs. "send it everywhere".