International World-Wide Web Conference

Developers' Day

Chair: Tim Berners-Lee

Friday, April 14

Maritim Konferenzhotel

9:00 Opening Statement, Tim Berners-Lee (Maritim I)

9:20 Split into two tracks: Maritim I and Maritim II

HTTP track:

(Maritim I)

9:30 New features and future development of libwww and HTTP, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen (CERN, MIT)

10:00 HTTP - the next generation, Simon Spero (EIT)

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Authentication, Jeffery Hostetler (Spyglass)

11:30 NCSA's Web Architecture Plans, Daniel LaLiberte (NCSA)

HTML track:

(Maritim II)

9:30 The current status of HTML2, Eric Sink (Spyglass, co-chair IETF HTML working group)

10:00 How to implement HTML3, Dave Raggett (HP Labs, W3C)

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 HTML style sheets, Håkon Lie (CERN)

11:30 Conversion of LaTeX math and tables into HTML3, Janne Saarela (CERN)

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Keynote speech: VRML, Mark Pesce (Maritim I)

13:30 Discussion groups (Maritim I):

15:30 End