International World-Wide Web Conference


Please note: Registration changes after April 4 can only be made at the "Changes" desk at the WWW'95 Conference! After Apr 8, 12:00 MEST registrations can no longer be made electronically, but at the WWW95 registration desk!

Registration in Darmstadt

Sunday, April 9; 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Conference Pre-Registration at the Maritim Conference Hotel
Monday, April 10; 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Workshop / Tutorial Registration at the Technical University of Darmstadt
Tuesday, April 11; 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Conference Registration at the Technical University of Darmstadt
Wednesday, April 12; 7:30 am - 2:00 pm
Conference Registration at the Technical University of Darmstadt
Friday, April 14; 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Developers' Day Registration at the Maritim Conference Hotel

Prices are given in Deutsche Mark. For up-to-date exchange rates, consult GNN's Currency Converter.

Conference Registration

Note: Those participants who have already have registered for either a workshop or a tutorial, but have not selected which specific workshop or tutorial they want to attend, can do so now through the Tutorial and Workshop selection form.

Conference Fees:

Conference Only

     Normal       Academic       Students
       850DM        680DM          480DM         


Please note that both tutorials and workshops are on Monday, April 10, so you can only chose one of them. Tutorial fee includes printed tutorial notes, and the right to participate in workshops.

     Normal       Academic       Students
       350DM        300DM          250DM        


     Normal       Academic       Students
       250DM        200DM          150DM 

Developers' Day

     Normal       Academic       Students
       250DM        180DM          150DM
7% VAT will be added to all fees.

If you don't have WWW access you may request registration information either via email ( or fax from the registration secretariat.

Hotel Reservation

We have made special arrangements with hotels. Please book hotel reservations directly with the hotels. Hotel information and a fax fill-out form for reservations can be found below:
