There are no more sessions on Program 1.

If you would like to participate in further testing at a later date, please send mail to <>. Your help in acheiving a robust app would be greatly appreciated.

Important Notice!

Collabarative document sharing via the MBONE

webcast enables a group of Mosaic instances to traverse and share a set of WWW documents via the mbone. It is an extension of cciShare and X Web Teach, and uses CCI and RMP to this end.

Quick start

  1. Get Mosaic2.6b1 for your platform:
  2. Get webcast for your platform:
  3. Add this to your .sd.tcl file.
  4. Double click on the ``WWW95 webcast (Program n)'' entry in sd.
  5. Be warned that this is pre release software on top of beta software. Please see the README.

Additional Information

webcast Feedback

There is a hypernews page for discussion of the mbone at this conference.

[ Back to: the conference Mbone page ]

Created: 19 March 1995 Last Modified: 12 April 1995
WWW'95: About webcast - Ed Burns <>