Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD)

Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung

Marketing by Cooperation

The Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD) was founded in 1987, at first as a provisional working group with the support of the German State of Hessen and the Fraunhofer Society (FhG). In 1992 the working group became a full Fraunhofer Institute.

The IGD is closely connected with the GRIS Group of the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV).

Tasks and Objectives

The IGD does applied research with the aim of further developing the technology of computer graphics and of making the results of the new technology available for applications. This is done by relying on basic research and methods, by using the results of computer graphics in applications, by implementing new applications with a trend-setting or forwarding-looking character, and by realizing prototypes (in software, firmware, and hardware), which serve as preliminary stages for products offered by resellers or used directly by enduser organizations.

Areas of Research

Document imaging and industrial applications of prepress, printing, and publishing (Graphic Arts) are two major areas of research. From these areas bridges are built from computer graphics to applications in CAD/CAM/CIM, publishing, and electronic prepress. Scientific visualization for technology, science, and medicine is another focus which plays an important role in many different contexts of realization. Visual communication fills the gap between imaging and telecommunication which-due to strong market growth-will play a leading role in the future. Of special interest here is the development of non-broadcast, high-definition applications. Another expanding area is graphical information systems, with the focus on spatial and geographic information systems.

The above-mentioned topics are handled by the following IGD departments:

The broad range of applications in which the techniques of computer graphics are used is one of IGD's great advantages. For many clients this variety allows synergies to be discovered and explored, taking advantage of inhouse contacts and cooperations. This synergy is illustrated by IGD's several demo centers, which exist to make the potential value of the showcased technology visible to our clients.


Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics
Wilhelminenstr. 7
64283 Darmstadt
Phone (+49) 6151 155-0
Fax (+49) 6151 155-199