Alpha: 34h to hack urban transports
On April 27th and 28th 2018, the student-run non-profit organization HackLyon organises its “Alpha” hackathon as part of The Web Conference’s OFF events. 50 students will have 34h to code the best solution for urban transports thanks to the cloud and artificial intelligence. Regional and international companies will interact with students to present their issues and technologies around workshops, conferences and mentorships. Registration is free and the event will be held at “La Tour du Web” in the premises of Epitech Lyon school!
Who can take part in it?
Registrations are open to all students from all over the world! You do not have to be an expert in the Web and Artificial Intelligence fields or know the world of urban transports, you’re here to learn!
I am a student, how do I apply?
You will find a place to apply on our website: https:/ But beware, it must be done quickly, the number of hackers is limited to 50 students!
I am a company, how to become a partner?
We are looking for web, AI and transport companies to sponsor our event (big prizes, small packs and meals). Our partnership team will respond with great pleasure to!