We Love Start-Up

We Love Start-Up

March 21st to 23rd 2018
We Love Start-Up is not a Hackathon, nor a training, or simulation … It’s a fabulous journey to the planet Start-Up. An innovative adventure in Europe!
We Love Start-Up

We Love Start-Up is not a Hackathon, not a training, not a simulation… It’s a fabulous journey to the Start-Up planet. We Love Start-Up an innovative, energizing and unique adventure in Europe! These are two days to discover the Start-Up ecosystem, to put yourself in the shoes of a Start-Uper and discover the benefits of entrepreneurship to innovate and transform. Embark on a fabulous journey, meet those who are jostling our world and adopt the spirit and codes of this new economy: really become a Start-Uper. We Love Start-Up is code, pitche, and defend your Start-Up, become the master of social networks & discover the pedagogy of the future: Action!

  • March 21, 2018, 18h – 22h: Inauguration evening and Briefing
  • March 22, 2018, 8:30 am – 6:30 pm: Immediate boarding and take-off
  • March 23, 2018, 8:30 am – 6:00 pm: Landing on the Start-Up Planet
Don’t forget to register, and see you soon at ESCEN Lyon Confluence: 4 Rue Paul Montrochet, (Bâtiment C), 69002 Lyon.