Meet up AI
May 2nd 2018 nd 2018
Meetup A.I and social robotics in collaboration with meetup groups « I.A LYON », « SOCIAL ROBOTICS » as well as « LYON ISAI ». May 2 nd 2018 at CPE Lyon
Meet up AI
Meetup. I.A and social robotics in collaboration with meetup groups « I.A LYON », « SOCIAL ROBOTICS » as well as « LYON ISAI ». May 2, 2018 at CPE Lyon, 43 Bvd du 11 Novembre 1918, Villeurbanne, from 6.30pm (doors open 30 min before)
Open to all, this evening proposes to understand the interactions between A.I developments and social robotics, the innovations at work on the Lyon territory, their operations and the stakes related to their future uses. Two inspirational talks and feedback in social robotics
Free entry.
Do not hesitate to consult the program, and to follow them on Facebook and Twitter !
Open to all, this evening proposes to understand the interactions between A.I developments and social robotics, the innovations at work on the Lyon territory, their operations and the stakes related to their future uses. Two inspirational talks and feedback in social robotics
- Speakers in the process of confirmation
- Amélie Cordier |Scientific Director – Hoomano
- Jade Le Maitre | CTO and Co-Founder – Hease Robotics
Free entry.
Do not hesitate to consult the program, and to follow them on Facebook and Twitter !