ofWebCome Lyon
By joining WebCome Lyon, each correspondent (designated in the form) of the event is invited without obligation to join the Steering Committee (CoPil)
- he is invited to the CoPil mailing list
- he is invited with the modification rights on the shared directory capitalizing information on the progress of WebCome Lyon. The activity of WebCome Lyon is documented systematically and openly.
- he is invited to attend CoPil meetings
- he is invited to volunteer to strengthen the Action Group and the Communication Group
Decisions are made according to the “no dissensus” rule: when a decision is proposed, it is sufficient for a CoPil member to formally oppose it so that it can be put back to the discussion. If no formal opposition intervenes, the decision is implemented.
The activities/events programmed in WebCome Lyon are implemented according to the following process:
- 1 – Une proposition est soumise via un formulaire ou moyen équivalent au Groupe Action (GA)
- 2 – Le GA examine les propositions et vérifie leur sérieux et leur éligibilité éditoriale (thème du Web)
- 3 – Le GA consulte le CoPil. Chaque membre est invité à examiner les propositions:
- Si Ok, pas de retour à réaliser
- Si Pas Ok, la proposition est remise à la discussion et non validée (règle du non dissensus)
WebCome Lyon commits itself to respect the freedom of communication of each member on his activity / event and to spread this communication. Each member agrees to respect the communication of WebCome Lyon and in particular to include the logo provided on the site of the event.
WebCome Lyon does not have the financial resources to support the activities / events itself. It facilitates to the extent of its means the resolution of logistical problems by mobilizing members of the CoPil.
Offering an activity to the programming of WebCome Lyon is free but nothing prevents a participant from supporting WebCome Lyon as official support. In this case, it will naturally appear in the own communication of WebCome Lyon as such.
By joining WebCome Lyon, each member agrees to respect the terms of this charter.