Announcing the second Keynote!
The Web Conference 2018 is very pleased to announce Professor Lorrie Faith Cranor as a keynote speaker.

Lorrie Faith Cranor is a Professor of Computer Science and of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University where she is director of the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (CUPS). She is associate department head of the Engineering and Public Policy Department and co-director of the MSIT-Privacy Engineering masters program.
She has authored over 150 research papers on online privacy, usable security, and other topics.
Collocated event : Web4All 2018 registration is open

We are happy to confirm that Web4All, a premiere venue for accessibility research, will be returning as a collocated event during The Web Conference 2018.
Registration for Web4All is open on our website.
Sponsors news

We are delighted to announce that Inria has joined us as a GOLD sponsor!
Inria, the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics, promotes “scientific excellence for technology transfer and society”.
A warm welcome to our sponsor: we look forward to collaborating with them!
Key upcoming deadlines for the Call for Contributions
Here are some of the upcoming key dates for The Call for contributions for The Web Conference 2018:26 October 2017 | Research tracks abstract submission deadline |
31 October 2017 | Research tracks full paper submission deadline |
02 November 2017 | Workshop proposal submission deadline |
Calling all volunteers: here is some information about the opportunities for volunteering at The Web Conference 2018 and how to apply!
Be part of The Web Conference 2018!
- Register now to join the debates and discussions and listen to inspiring keynotes.
- Do business at the conference by becoming an exhibitor or joining us as a sponsor.
Why come to Lyon
With one of the highest number of restaurants per inhabitant in France, Lyon has often been recognised as the country’s food capital. In 1935, food critic Curnonsky, aka the Prince of Gastronomy, described Lyon as “the world capital of gastronomy”.
Geographically well situated at an intersection of poultry, wine, fruit and vegetable producing regions, Lyon elevates these goods at the heart of its gastronomy.
So come to Lyon to discover French cuisine and to fall in love with it!