Registration news!
Normal priced tickets for The Web Conference are available till March 26th! Hurry up and register now to join the debates and discussions, listen to inspiring keynotes, panels and build the Web of Tomorrow!
Thursday morning
Join us after the keynote session for an exciting panel on AI and the future of the Web and the Internet, chaired by Dame Wendy Hall (Southampton University) with panelists:
- Sir Tim Berners-Lee (MIT, W3C)
- Antoine Bordes (Facebook, FAIR Paris)
- Vinton Cerf (Google)
- Ruhi Sarikaya (Amazon)
- Cédric Villani (Université de Lyon)
Friday morning
We are pleased to announce that Friday morning’s keynote session will be followed by a panel on Privacy and Security, remaining challenges for the Web which will be chaired by Mary Ellen Zurko (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), with Lorrie Faith Cranor (Carnegie Mellon) and Eric Leandri (co-founder and CEO of Qwant) as panelists!
Track News
Research tracks
The details of Research tracks sessions and the detailed week’s planning of The Web Conference 2018 in Lyon are now published!
Job Fair
The Web Conference is happy to announce the first edition of its Job Fair.
The job fair is a brilliant way to bring together job candidates with open positions in both industry and academia, increasing the chances of finding the perfect job to advance your career or find your ideal future employee. If you are an organisation that wants to advertise positions or if you are looking for career opportunities, don’t miss your chance to participate!
Sponsors news
We are delighted to announce that new sponsors have joined us:Naver and Line Corporation as a SILVER sponsor
Yahoo Research as a SILVER sponsor
Caisse des Dépôts Group as a BRONZE sponsor
Facebook as a BRONZE sponsor
A warm welcome to our sponsors: we look forward to collaborating with them!
Focus on Webcome Lyon – The Web Conference OFFs
The WebCome Day, a combination of the OFFs and main conference will be held on April 28th, with participative debates, meetings with the actors of the OFF collective, demonstrations, posters of web makers in Lyon and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, cooperative and citizen workshops, and a great debate with researchers on the theme « Social networks in the Fake News era ». Watch for the release of the upcoming program on WebCome Lyon and don’t miss the blog articles that will be published on the blog of WebCome Lyon!
As part of this day, a Hackateen (a Hackathon for teenagers) for high school students is being co-organised by the IN (main conference) and the OFF.
Key upcoming dates
26 March 2018 | End of normal priced tickets |
27 March 2018 | Beginning of late registrations |
17 April 2018 | End of online registrations |
Be part of The Web Conference 2018!
- The call for international volunteers is closed, but if you are from the area, apply now to join the local volunteers!
- Do business at the conference by becoming an exhibitor or joining us as a sponsor.
Conference FAQs
If you need information regarding the conference and your participation, please visit the Participate menu on our website, or the Conference FAQ page, or select an email address on our Contacts page.