ConferenceProgram by Tracks


Wednesday April 25th
The good web – some challenges and strategies to realise it
Thursday April 26th
Conversational AI for Interacting with Digital and Physical World
Friday April 27th
Web Privacy and Security: The User Experience


Thursday April 26th
AI and the future of the Web and the Internet
  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee (MIT, W3C)
  • Vinton Cerf (Google)
  • Antoine Bordes (Facebook, FAIR Paris)
  • Kira Radinsky (eBay)
  • Ruhi Sarikaya (Amazon)
  • Prof. Dame Wendy Hall (Southampton University) – Chair
Conclusion and synthesis by Mr. Mounir Mahjoubi
(Secretary of State in charge of Digital Affairs)
Friday April 27th
Privacy and Security, remaining challenges for the Web
  • Lorrie Faith Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Eric Leandri (co-founder and CEO of Qwant)
  • Mary Ellen Zurko (MIT Lincoln Laboratory) – Chair


Take home message from Robert Cailliau, founder of The Web Conference Series and of the IW3C2

Research tracks (in alphabetical order):

Alternate paper tracks (in alphabetical order):

Other tracks (in alphabetical order):

Other events (in alphabetical order):