
We invite tutorial proposals on current and emerging Web-related topics. Tutorials are intended to provide a high quality learning experience to conference attendees. It is expected that tutorials will address an audience with a varied range of interests and background: beginners, developers, designers, researchers, practitioners, users, lecturers and representatives of governments and funding agencies who wish to learn new technologies.

We will pay particular attention to tutorial proposals that bridge different areas such as Web and Social Sciences, Web and Disaster Management, Web and other fields in Computer Science. Preference will be given to applications that involve at least one expert in the areas covered by the proposal.

Tutorials chairs:

  • Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France)
  • Mary-Ellen Zurko (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA)

Contact: tutorialschairs (at)

Tutorial submission guidelines:

Tutorial proposals should conform to the following outline:

  • Title – a concise title.
  • Organizers – the names, affiliation, contact information, and brief bio of the organizers.
  • Abstract – 1-2 paragraphs suitable for inclusion in conference registration material.
  • Topic and Relevance – a description of the tutorial topic, providing a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and depth within the scope, and a statement on why the tutorial is important and timely, how it is relevant to WWW, and why the presenters are qualified for a high-quality introduction of the topic.
  • Duration and Sessions – proposed duration of the tutorial (half or full day), different sessions if applicable, together with justification that a high-quality learning experience will be achieved within the chosen time period.
  • Audience – a description of the intended audience, prerequisite knowledge and the expected learning outcomes.
  • Previous Editions – if the tutorial was conducted before, where and when was it conducted? Please give details on number of attendees, and how the proposed tutorial differs or builds on the previous ones. If possible, provide a link to slides of the previous tutorial presentation.
  • Tutorial Material – will tutorial materials be provided to attendees? If so, are there any copyright issues?
  • Equipment – indicate any additional equipment needed (if any). The standard equipment includes an LCD projector, a single projection screen and microphones.

Tutorial proposal submission:

Tutorial proposals must be submitted via EasyChair on

  • Note that it is possible to submit proposals as PDF files !

Important dates:

  • Tutorial proposal submission deadline : 22 November 2017
  • Tutorial Acceptance notification : 14 December 2017

All submission deadlines are at 9:00pm HAST.

See copyright note on main CFP page