Panels should address important topics on all aspects of Web management. In particular, we invite proposals on current and emerging issues such as (to name a few) fairness and ethical issues on the Web, trustability and veracity of Web content, along with security and privacy of Web publishing. Panelists should be experts in their fields and engage the audience and other panelists in a stimulating, interactive debate. Diverging opinions on controversial topics are strongly encouraged.
Panel proposals should describe the topic to be addressed and identify the prospective panelists. Preference will be given to applications with confirmed panelists.
Panels proposals should conform to the following outline:
- Title – please provide a concise title (and a subtitle if needed).
- Organizers – the names, affiliation, contact information, and short bio of the organizers.
- Expected panelists and moderator – the names, affiliation, contact information, and short bio of the panelists and the moderator.
- Abstract – 1-2 paragraphs suitable for inclusion in conference registration material.
- Topic and Relevance – a description of the panel topic, providing a sense of both the scope of the panel and depth within the scope, and a statement on why the panel is important and timely, how it is relevant to The Web Conference, and why the presenters are qualified for a high-quality introduction of the topic.
- Audience – a description of the intended audience, prerequisite knowledge and the expected learning outcomes.
- Angela Bonifati (Université de Lyon, France)
- Romain Vuillemot (Université de Lyon, France)
Contact: panelschairs (at)
Panels proposal submission:
Panel proposals must be submitted via EasyChair on
- Panel proposal submission deadline : 01 February 2018
- Panel Acceptance notification : 15 February 2018
All submission deadlines are at 9:00pm HAST.