WWW Workshop on Web Intelligence and Communities #WiC2013

Web Intelligence consists of a multidisciplinary area dealing with exploiting data and services over the Web, to create new data and services using both Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Communities appear as a first-class object in the areas of web intelligence and agent technologies, as well as a crucial crossroads of several sub-domains (i.e. user modelling, protocols, data management, data mining, content modelling, etc.). These sub-domains impact the nature of the communities and the applications which are related to them. These applications are numerous, and the success of well-known Social Network Sites for entertainment should not be allowed to over-shadow the other application domains, for instance in education, health, design, knowledge management, and so forth.

The workshop will provide presentation and discussion opportunities for researchers working on web intelligence applied to collaborative networks, such as virtual communities. The possibilities and consequences of the web usage for collaborative networks are tremendous and new tools are required to satisfy users and service providers.