Social News On the Web #SNOW2013

Welcome to SNOW 2013, the First Workshop on Social News On the Web. The workshop is held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in conjunction with the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013) on May 13th 2013. Information about the location of the workshop can be found on the WWW 2013 website.

The workshop provides a forum for presenting novel ideas and discussing future directions in the emerging areas of news searchnews mining, and news recommendation. It especially focuses on the interplay between news content, generated by professional journalists, and social-media content, generated by millions of users in real-time and subject to social-media dynamics.

We also invite contributions on modeling and leveraging user feedback related to news content, as well as contributions on mining news comments. Finally, we invite contributions on the more ambitious topics of citizen journalism and computational journalism. The former studies how citizens can collaborate to collect information, synthesize, edit, verify, and produce their own news stories in a wiki-type paradigm. The latter investigates the use of analysis of web data by professional journalists as an integral part of the news creation process.