Real-time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams #RAMSS

The 2nd International Workshop on Real-Time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams (RAMSS) will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 14, 2013 in conjunction withWWW 2013, the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference.

new! We are proud to announce that we’ll have two keynote speakers at RAMSS: Ramesh Sarukkai (Google) will present ‘Real-time User Modeling and Prediction: Examples from YouTube’ and Gianmarco De Francisci Morales (Yahoo!) will deliver the talk ‘SAMOA: A Platform for Mining Big Data Streams’.


The emergence of social networking services such as Twitter, Google+, and Facebook has led to new ways of sharing information with interested communities. In the last years, there has been an increasing trend in the use of social media services, not only by end-users but also by all kinds of groups, organizations, and governments. All these participants contribute with a bonanza of real-time updates, building a hodgepodge composed of not only personal updates but also valuable information. The ability to get real-time information from others has enabled to follow events live, to discover breaking news, to find out about trending topics, and to help on natural disasters, among others. This presents new challenging issues for the research community in order to quickly make sense of torrential social streams as they come out, and to make the most from the fresh knowledge available on these streams.

The RAMSS workshop aims to bring together experts in the real-time analysis and mining of social streams, as well as to further develop and exchange knowledge around these tasks. Given the novelty of the research field, the workshop also aims to encourage attendees to build a discussion forum to share on the current state of the research field, as well as to propose solutions for the shortcomings.