Opinion Mining on Online Reviews

Presenters: Samaneh Moghaddam, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Martin Ester, Simon Fraser University, Canada

The tutorial will cover opinion mining in online reviews with a focus on aspect-based opinion mining. This problem is a key task in the area of opinion mining and has attracted a lot of researchers in the web mining community recently. Aspect-based opinion mining techniques extract aspects of items from reviews and also predict a rating for each aspect. This rated summary of item aspects not only helps customers in decision making, but also can be used by other opinion mining tasks, e.g., sentiment classification, opinion question answering, opinion helpfulness estimation, etc. In this tutorial we cover opinion mining tasks with a focus on state-of-the-art aspect-based opinion mining methods, present guidelines for designing such methods, and discuss emerging challenges and also future research directions in this area.

Slides: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~ester/papers/WWW2013.Tutorial.Final.pdf