Linked Stream Data Processing

Manfred  Hauswirth, Digital  Enterprise  Research  Institute (DERI),? Ireland
Josiane Xavier Parreira, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Ireland
Danh Le Phuoc, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Ireland

The processing of streams, specifically in the context of Big Data and analytics, has been in the centre of attention of the research community over the last years. Addressing the 3 Vs – volume, velocity and variety, has sparked interesting new research. The Web community has contributed to this joint research push through Linked Streams, building on the core strength of the Web, the linking of information and its integrated processing. Given the rapidly growing number of stream data sources (sensors, mobile phones, social network services, etc.). Linked Stream Data enables the simple and seamless integration not only among heterogeneous stream data, but also among streams and Linked Data collections, enabling a new range of real-time applications. ?This tutorial gives an overview about Linked Stream Data processing. It describes the basic setup and assumptions, highlighting the challenges any system has to face, such as managing the temporal aspects, temporal semantics, efficient processing, timeliness, etc. It presents the different architectures for Linked Stream Data processing engines, their advantages and disadvantages and reviews the state of the art in Linked Stream Data processing system. The tutorial will discuss in detail the design choices, data structures, and overall performance parameters and their impact on implementations. A short discussion of the current challenges and open problems is also given. In the last part of the tutorial the participants will build their own Linked Stream Data processing application providing hands-on experience of the theoretical discussions in the first part.

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