CSS Challenge

CSS Crossroads

Consists on solving with the least amount lines of code a challenge proposed by Bert Bos and Bernard de Luna. Bernard and Bert will create an application in the browser using only CSS and participants should try to get the same result or something else close as possible of the challenge proposed.

Presentation of the best CSS3 solutions for the challenges launched in the previous week

- Bert Bos meets developers (Bert Bos is the co-inventor of CSS and currently is W3C CSS and Math Activities Leader)

More information about the participation on the challenge here.

The Rules:
Participants should only edit the style.css file.
Images are not allowed
The challenge will be released one week before its presentation (May 6).

3:00pm Opening – W3C Brasil
3:05pm Bert Bos talk
3:30pm Bernard de Luna talk
3:50pm Release of 3 finalists
4:00pm Award cerimony
4:10pm Talk with Bert Bos and Bernard de Luna

The best results and codes will win prizes!

To participate in this challenge, register using this form. Registrations and Participation are free but places are limited. The result will be released at the end of the challenge. If you want just to attend this event, use this form.