6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web #LDOW2013


Linked Data is a set of best practices for publishing structured data on the Web which focuses on setting hyperlinks between data items provided by different web servers. These hyperlinks connect the data from all servers into a single global data graph – the Web of Linked Data.

The 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2013) aims to stimulate further research into exploiting this global data graph to deliver transformative applications to large user bases, as well as to mine the graph for implicit knowledge. Inevitably the challenges associated with Linked Data range from lower level plumbing issues over large-scale data processing and mining, to higher level conceptual questions of value propositions and business models. LDOW2013 will provide a forum for exposing novel, high quality research and applications in all of these areas. In addition, by bringing together researchers in the field, the workshop will further shape the ongoing Linked Data research agenda.