www2013 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil - 13-17 may, Windsor Barra


open web challenges

Versão em português
WWW2013 Free Parallel activities
BrazilJS Foundation

Bring your team to participate in a CSS challenge with Bert Bos and Bernard de Luna and show your great applications using HTML5 in the challenge with Philippe Le Hégaret and Zeno Rocha. There will be awards!

If you want to attend these activities, fill this form to guarantee your participation. They are no costs activities.

If you are registered in the WWW2013 conference and wants to compete for prizes, fill this form and wait for the instructions.

CSS Crossroads
Tuesday, 1:00pm

Consists on solving with the least amount lines of code a challenge proposed by Bert Bos and Bernard de Luna. Bernard and Bert will create an application in the browser using only CSS and participants should try to get the same result or something else close as possible of the challenge proposed.

chess board

The challenge - Creating a chessboard

Create a entire chessboard using only CSS (no images). The goal is to create a detailed board (if you want to create the pieces, feel free).

The best, more detailed and creative board (and with the better CSS implementation) wins the challenge.

When you finish your chessboard, submit the public URL of your project to www2013@nic.br with the subject "CSS Challenge".

The deadline to send the project is tuesdey, 10:00am

The best results and codes will win prizes!

To participate in this challenge, register using this form. Registrations and Participation are free but places are limited. The result will be released at the end of the challenge. If you want just to attend this event, use this form.

HTML5 for Fun
Friday, 3:00PM

Do you have a fun application using HTML5? Sign up for HTML5 for Fun and show how the open web can provide fun web applications.

HTML5 for Fun consists in presenting projects based on Open Web Platform technologies in a challenge to find more fun applications using HTML5. The aim is to reward the most interesting applications during the WWW2013 conference and to receive comments from experts in the Open Web Platform. To inspire participants, see some interesting experiments of the Open Web created by Philippe Le Hégaret and Zeno Rocha:

During WWW2013 a committee will evaluate the best applications should participate in the final phase. Finalists will be notified and they must present their project to the experts during the meeting. The best and most fun solutions, in judges’ opinion, will be announced as winner and will receive an award.

The best results and codes will win prizes!

To participate in this challenge, register using this form.Registrations and Participation are free but places are limited. The result will be released at the end of the challenge. If you want just to attend this event, use this form.