WWW2013 - Newsletter
Approved Workshops
  The preliminary list of approved workshops for WWW2013 has been published!

13 May

  • First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked Media (LiME-2013)
  • Web of Linked Entities
  • Data In Web Search (DISH) Workshop
  • The 2nd International Workshop on Mining Social Network Dynamics (MSND)
  • 2nd International Workshop on Social Web for Disaster Management
  • Social News On the Web (SNOW)
  • The Theory and Practice of Social Machines
  • Multidisciplinary Approaches to Big Social Data Analysis (MABSDA) Third
  • Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb)
  • Workshop on Web Quality (WebQuality 2013)
  • SIMPLEX: Simplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners  

14 May

  • 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2013)
  • Linked Learning 2013 – 3rd International Workshop on Learning and Education with the Web of Data
  • The 4th International Workshop on Social Recommender Systems (SRS 2013)
  • Workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM)
  • RAMSS: Real-time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams
  • Making Sense of Microposts (#MSM2013)
  • Public Health in the Digital Age: Social Media, Crowdsourcing and Participatory Systems
  • WS-REST 2013: Fourth International Workshop on RESTful Design
  • 2nd Workshop on Large Scale Network Analysis
  • Web Intelligence and Communities
  • Web Observatory Workshop (WOW2013)

The list is subject to change.

Information regarding visas

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations (Itamaraty) Immigration Office has advised all Brazilian embassies and consulates to issue tourist visas to participants upon submission of an invitation letter sent by the coordination team for the event.

See the list of countries whose nationals are required to obtain visas to enter Brazil: /attendees/visa-information/

The coordination team for WWW2013 will send the invitation letter upon confirmation of payment of the application fee.

Volunteer Program

The application period for the WWW2013 Volunteer Program begins at the end of January.

Those admitted shall be exempted from payment of the application fee and shall receive financial assistance to cover boarding expenses.

Confirmed sponsors

Google (www.google.com) and Yahoo!Labs (http://labs.yahoo.com/) are Gold Sponsors of WWW2013.

The European Patent Office (http://www.epo.org) has also pledged to participate in the Conference as Silver Sponsor.

Follow their example and be a sponsor of the biggest Web Conference in the World!

To obtain more information on sponsorships, access the following link:

  Gold sponsor


