WWW2013 Volunteering – Final list of Volunteers

Final list of Volunteers Alan Tygel Amelie Gyrard Bianca Pereira Claudio Azzi Clécio Bachini Cynthia Henry Daniel Gil Daniele Palazzi Krempser Dave Kushal David Aparicio Eduardo Barbosa Eliezer de Souza da Silva Evelin Amorim Felix Ribeiro Flavio Figueiredo Harlley Lima Helen Costa Janaina Sant’Anna Gomide John  Baldwin John  Miller José Eduardo Talavera Herrera Kelli Cordeiro [...]

Mining digital content streams and real-time analysis: trends on the web

For the last years, the use of social media services like Twitter, Google+, and Facebook by all kinds of people, including representatives of public and private organizations and also by governments has been increasing. The ability to get real-time information has enabled people to follow events live, to discover breaking news, to find out about [...]

Shuttle Service

Organizers will offer shuttle buses to commute from well known hotels in Rio (Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon beaches) to the Conference venue and vice-versa. This shuttle will be free to all conference participants.

Web goes social

Many of the workshops in WWW2013 deal with an issue that promises to be “trendy” for studies of the internet in the coming months and years: the relationship of data (“big data”) and social networks. One new development that promises to be a hot topic is the new Facebook tool, Facebook Graph Search, which will allow [...]

“We need people to translate the whole Web”: Luis Von Ahn

Luis Von Ahn is an entrepreneur and an associate professor at the Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University. He has a clear professional objective: to build systems that combine humans and computers to solve large-scale problems that neither can solve alone. He calls this “Human Computation”. Born in Guatemala City in 1979, Von Ahn has [...]

Accepted Posters

# Poster Title Authors 1 An Error Driven Approach to Query Segmentation Wei Zhang; Yunbo Cao; Chin-Yew Lin; Jian Su; Chew Lim Tan 2 Scaling Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Randomness Lei Tang; Patrick Harrington 3 An effective class-centroid-based dimension reduction method for text classification Guansong Pang; Huidong Jin; Shengyi Jiang 4 Zero-cost Labelling with [...]

Jon Kleinberg: a computational anatomist of social networks

Kleinberg is a typical researcher who is considered brilliant in the environment of computer science: PHD from MIT at age 25, winning major awards in science such as the Nevanllina Prize, offered every 4 years for contributions in Mathematical Aspects of Information Sciences, in MacArthur Fellowship, given to U.S. Citizen who “show exceptional merit and [...]

Accepted papers – Demos Track

DFT-Extractor : A System to Extract Domain-specific  Faceted Taxonomies from Wikipedia Bifan Wei and Jun Liu. Analyzing the Suitability of Web Applications for a Single-User to Multi-User Transformation Matthias Heinrich, Franz Lehmann, Franz Josef Grüneberger, Thomas Springer and Martin Gaedke. Tailored News in the Palm of Your HAND: A Multi-Perspective Transparent Approach to News Recommendation Mozhgan Tavakolifard, [...]

Accepted papers – Developers Track

This is a track by Web developers, for Web developers. The audience will be highly technical and expecting to see new trends and interesting ideas, code and APIs of emerging applications, platforms and standards.

Important notice – Early bird registration extended one day

Due to technical problem, the on-line early bird registration process has been unavailable for 7 hours. We apologize for that. Conference organizers extended the early bird registration for additional 24 hours. Early bird registration will close on March 26th, at 23:59 BRT.