WWW2013 audio description

The audio description consists of an additional narration track for the visually impaired. Services include descriptions of what is happening during breaks in the program. Besides the general description of the space, the descriptive audio contains more information – staff, medical emergency services, elevator and escalator services, and more. The following is the description in [...]

Live broadcasts: check the programme

Listed below are the activities of the Conference that will be broadcasted on the Internet. Keep updated about what will happen at the Windsor Barra on Twitter: search for the hashtag #www2013 May 15th 13h- 15h: Opening Ceremony, keynote speaker Luis Von Ahn 15h – 16h30: Luis von Ahn meets entrepreneurs 17h – 18h30: Panel with Entrepeneurs on [...]

WWW2013 Media Coverage

In a few days the most important global conference about the web will begin. There are many activities at the same time, so keep an eye on Twitter (@www2013rio) to find out what’s going on in each area of programming. We will use (and ask for conference participants to do the same) the tag # www2013 to [...]

Pack Your Bags to Rio de Janeiro!

Are you ready fot the WWW2013 Conference? The following information will inform you about weather, food, internet and other facilities.If you still have any doubts or concerns, please contact us on Twitter (@wwwrio2013) or Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/www2013) . Our team in Rio de Janeiro is prepared to help you in the travel arrangements. Route from the [...]

Visualization of information: the present and future on the web

Another issue highlighted on the internet today and which will be addressed in WWW Conference is data visualization. Fernanda Viegas, a researcher at Google and one of the world’s leading experts on the subject, will speak on Wednesday at 15h (3pm) in Industry Track about “big data and visualization”. And with Martin Wattenberg, Geoffrey Borggaard, [...]

Risks surrounding questions of privacy in big data

Most people do not realize that, every second of the day, social networks like Facebook or search engines like Google are accumulating a lot of data about us. What they do or can do with this data is an issue that has increasingly become essential to discuss – and it’s central theme or background to [...]

Big things come in small packages: the challenge of analyzing microposts

2012 saw the worldwide sales of smartphones surpass those of personal computers for the first time.  Our increasing capability to interact with social media on the go (using also other small devices such as tablets and even mobile  phones) has giving rise to the growth of “microposts” such as Twitter status updates, Facebook likes, Google [...]

Social networks and big data meet public health

The use of big data and social networks for public health purposes has gained attention in recent years with the spread of social networks and with the availability of on-line data systems. Analysis and data exchange in health systems can help prevention and monitoring of diseases. Social networks can facilitate the control of infectious diseases. [...]

Best student paper award

IBM Research has officially agreed to sponsor the award, to be granted to the Best Student Paper accepted to the Research Track at WWW 2013.