Tutorial materials available online

The materials presented for the following tutorials are now available online. An Introduction to Semantic Web and Linked Data HTML5 – a W3C Tutorial Online Learning & Linked Data Web Personalization & Recommender Systems Mining Data Semantics Sentic Computing Entity Linking and Retrieval Web Applications with Xforms 2.0 (Big) Usage Data in Web Search Opinion [...]

WWW2013 Conference: data and graphs

It’s been only two weeks since the end of the Conference, but we are already thinking in the next one, which will take place in Korea, from April 7th to 14th. You can read more about the next WWW on the Conference website: http://www2014.kr/ The WWW2013 Conference gathered 1.107 people from more than 46 countries. Brazil and [...]

Highlights from the last day

Today marks the final day of the WWW2013 conference. We are pleased to announce we had 1,097 registered participants and 858 people follow the conference streaming live online and saw 5,072 tweets under the hashtag #www2013. The location of WWW2014 conference was selected and announced this afternoon. WWW2014 will be held in Seoul, South Korea [...]

Highlights from the Day 4

The fourth day of the Conference, Brazilian neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis presented his projects and research concerned with computer-brain interfaces that allow actions to be transmitted through the brain directly to computers, without passing through organs or muscles. The experiment started in 2003. On of his inspirations was to create the possibility for people who had [...]

Highlights from the 3rd Day

The 3rd day at WWW2013 continued with the opening ceremony and speech from Luis von Ahn. The activity also invited the presence of local authorities, like the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marco Antônio Raupp, the executive director of Rio Negócios, Marcelo Haddad, representing the mayor’s office of Rio de Janeiro, and representatives of [...]

Highlights from the 2nd day

The second day of the WWW2013 Conference continued today with presentations, panels and workshops from some of the world’s expert professionals and academics involved in the World Wide Web. Today was the last day for tutorials and workshops, as the conference now turns its focus to the Keynote Speakers in the three days to come. [...]

Accepted posters – map location

Find here the list of posters and a map showing their location. # Poster Title Authors 1 An Error Driven Approach to Query Segmentation Wei Zhang; Yunbo Cao; Chin-Yew Lin; Jian Su; Chew Lim Tan 2 Scaling Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Randomness Lei Tang; Patrick Harrington 3 An effective class-centroid-based dimension reduction method for [...]

Highlights from the Opening Day

Workshops, tutorials and discussion panels opened the WWW2013 Conference today. In total, there were 34 sessions with  600 participants and 850 mentions on Twitter – there are 1,200 participants expected by the end of the conference. The activities of the event can be followed in real time through the hashtag #www2013 on Twitter and the [...]