WWW 2013 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2014-07-04T11:13:20Z /feed/atom/ WordPress Flávio Yanai <![CDATA[Videos – Keynote Speakers]]> /?p=3185 2013-07-23T22:40:07Z 2013-07-03T18:11:45Z The videos of the keynote speakers presentations are now available online.

dschwabe <![CDATA[Proceedings available online]]> /?p=3167 2013-06-21T16:09:36Z 2013-06-21T16:09:36Z The WWW2013 proceedings are available at /papers/.

dschwabe <![CDATA[Tutorial materials available online]]> /?p=3158 2013-06-21T15:38:53Z 2013-06-21T15:38:53Z The materials presented for the following tutorials are now available online.

An Introduction to Semantic Web and Linked Data

HTML5 – a W3C Tutorial

Online Learning & Linked Data

Web Personalization & Recommender Systems

Mining Data Semantics

Sentic Computing

Entity Linking and Retrieval

Web Applications with Xforms 2.0

(Big) Usage Data in Web Search

Opinion Mining on Online Reviews

MapReduce Algorithm Design

Machine Reading the Web

Measuring User Engagement

gabriela augustini http://www.entrenos.org <![CDATA[WWW2013 Conference: data and graphs]]> /?p=3131 2013-06-03T21:33:59Z 2013-06-03T16:03:47Z It’s been only two weeks since the end of the Conference, but we are already thinking in the next one, which will take place in Korea, from April 7th to 14th. You can read more about the next WWW on the Conference website: http://www2014.kr/

The WWW2013 Conference gathered 1.107 people from more than 46 countries. Brazil and the USA are the two countries with the largest number of people who followed the conference as you can see on the chart below:

The majority of participants were delegate. The press members are 39, slightly smaller than the staff, which was in 47 people. And also 19 exhibitors participated in the event.


In addition, other people attended remotely via live broadcast of parts of of programming. During the five-day event, the transmission had over 800 views. The second day marked the largest number: 375 people from different parts of the world, remained connected to watch the lectures.

All papers presented at the event are: /papers/

Highlights of the conference are on Storify: https://storify.com/gabiagustini

Slides and presentations are: http://eventifier.co/event/www2013/

The official photos of the event are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicbr/

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ]]>
gabriela augustini http://www.entrenos.org <![CDATA[Highlights from the last day]]> /?p=3115 2013-05-17T22:57:17Z 2013-05-17T22:52:38Z Today marks the final day of the WWW2013 conference. We are pleased to announce we had 1,097 registered participants and 858 people follow the conference streaming live online and saw 5,072 tweets under the hashtag #www2013.

The location of WWW2014 conference was selected and announced this afternoon. WWW2014 will be held in Seoul, South Korea in April of 2014.

Our final keynote speaker, Jon Kleinberg presented his research about the how information flows through populations on the Internet. In his research, Kleinberg examined what makes certain quotes and text on the internet memorable and attempted to predict what kind of quotes will go viral. He mentioned http://memetracker.org/ as a visualizing tool for trending phrases and words thorugh the web.


“Mapping out social networks quantitatively is a new concept,” explained Kleinberg. The web is powered by feed back loops, according to Kleinberg, the web knows you better than you know yourself. If you would like to learn more, check out his paper on the subject: http://www.pnas.org/content/109/16/5962

The conference best paper award was granted to “No Country for Old Members: User Lifecycle and Linguist Change in Online Communities”, by Stanford University members Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Robert West, Dan Jurafsky, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts. You may find it here: http://cs.stanford.edu/people/jure/pubs/language-www13.pdf

Other highlights:

- Data Visualization Panel: Fernada Viegas and Martin Wattenberg from Google explained the functions of Google+ Ripples: /proceedings/p1389.pdf; Jennifer Fernquist and Ed H. Chi, also Google members, talked about the Perception and Understanding of Social Annotations in Web Search: http://research.google.com/pubs/pub38116.html

-CRM Panel: can the lack of standardization cause problems with interoperability? Check out this: https://wiki.softwarelivre.org/pub/Main/DeiviKuhn/Html5_and_DRM.pdf and this:http://www.w3.org/QA/2013/05/perspectives_on_encrypted_medi.html

We would like to thank all the presenters and participants. You can check out slides, papers and more from the conference are available on the following websites:

Slides: http://eventifier.co/event/www2013/

Papers: /papers/

Highlights from day 5: https://storify.com/gabiagustini/www2013-conference-day-5

Highlights from day 4: https://storify.com/gabiagustini/www2013-conference-day-4

Highlights from day 3: https://storify.com/gabiagustini/www2013-conference-3rd-day

Highlights from day 2: https://storify.com/gabiagustini/www2013-conference-2nd-day-1

Highlights from day 1: https://storify.com/gabiagustini/www-conference-1st-day

gabriela augustini http://www.entrenos.org <![CDATA[Highlights from the Day 4]]> /?p=3087 2013-05-16T22:21:56Z 2013-05-16T22:12:41Z WWW2013_TARDE_DIA4-22The fourth day of the Conference, Brazilian neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis presented his projects and research concerned with computer-brain interfaces that allow actions to be transmitted through the brain directly to computers, without passing through organs or muscles. The experiment started in 2003. On of his inspirations was to create the possibility for people who had suffered from serious neurological injuries to be able to send commands from the brain to mechanical prosthetics, as exemplified in the project, Walking Again. Nicolelis emphasized that the human brain is not something that is able to be reproduced on a computer. “We are protected by copyright,” he joked.

The Keynote session was followed by a discussion panel about Net Neutrality and Internet Freedom, conducting by Tim Berners-Lee and deputy Alessandro Molon, representative from the Marco Civil da Internet project. Currently, the project is expected to be voted on in Congress, but is struggling due to resistance from internet providers. For Berners-Lee, the Marco Civil da Internet puts Brazil in the leading position in terms of web legislation. It highlights that neutrality of the internet needs to be respected as human rights and it should be the fight of Brazilian citizens to ensure that this legislation succeeds.


Other highlights from the day:


The panel Wisdom in the Social Crowd: an Analysis of Quora presented results of a detailed analysis of Quora using measurements.


“On line, collaborative, open Platforms for video on the web” was a panel about a global collaborative film project  focused on discuss internet freedom and net neutrality.


The panel Google+ or Google-: Dissecting the Evolution of the New OSN in its First Year presented a detailed characterization of G+ based on large scale measurements.

Highlights from the day on Storify: https://storify.com/gabiagustini/www2013-conference-day-4

gabriela augustini http://www.entrenos.org <![CDATA[Highlights from the 3rd Day]]> /?p=3040 2013-05-15T23:35:47Z 2013-05-15T23:09:04Z The 3rd day at WWW2013 continued with the opening ceremony and speech from Luis von Ahn. The activity also invited the presence of local authorities, like the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marco Antônio Raupp, the executive director of Rio Negócios, Marcelo Haddad, representing the mayor’s office of Rio de Janeiro, and representatives of the WWW. In the ceremony, there was a panorama of academic production being presented at the Conference that demonstrated that the countries which submitted the most papers to the judges commission were, The United States, China, Germany, the UK, India and Brazil.

8741374207_9f0ec3626aIn the sequence, keynote speaker Luis Von Ahn captivated the audience with his presentation focused on his projects reCaptcha and Duolingo. Recognizing inequality in the education system, Duolingo was inspired by the demand for affordable, accessible language education. “Over 1.2 billion people want to learn a language… not because they want to travel, but because they want to be able to get better jobs and better their lives.” Because you need money in order to learn a language  (classes or buy a language program), Von Ahn is providing a bridge for this gap with Duolingo by making students learning power profitable through translation of web content.

While Von Ahn is not a linguist or a language expert, he is an expert in productivity. Unconcerned with theories and teaching methods, he uses big data from his user base to improve language education methods by testing new methods on samples from his millions of users and comparing them with other methods.  Vohn Ahn offered also advice to entrepreneurs about building successful businesses on the web. His strategy is to always ensure that his services on Duolingo are free, “I’m never going to charge the users” he warned his investors before shaking hands and closing the deal.


More highlights of the day:

- Data Visualization

Fernanda Viegas, from Google, showed projects

Map of Youtube Trends and Wind Map, which make a visualization of data of wind patterns in a precise and artistic form.

- eGov and Open Data

Pierre Andrews presented his project on Parliamentary Transparency, Cidadão Automático. Rodrigo Bandeira presented his Cidade Democrática project, and discusses ways to make people engage with their governments. And Vagner Diniz from w3c brazil talked about open data for development (read more: http://www.od4d.org/2012/10/10/w3c-brazil-launches-open-data-portal-in-latin-america/)

- Entrepreneurship

The Cachaça Map exhibited their web project of production of content about the production of alcohol in Brazil. (learn more about the project from this post.

Remember, the papers from the presenters at the conference are compiled here: /papers/ and you can check the best moments on the social network channels on Storify: http://storify.com/gabiagustini/www2013-conference-3rd-day

gabriela augustini http://www.entrenos.org <![CDATA[Entrepreneurs on the web: Mapa da Cachaça]]> /?p=3024 2013-05-15T23:11:32Z 2013-05-15T20:03:15Z The Cachaça Map is to illustrate Brazilian culture and history in relation to the history of Cachaça “Alambiques,” where the traditional Brazilian alcohol is produced. Cachaça is a sugar-cane, hard-liquor used to make caipirinhas, a Brazilian classic. The project created a website, were videos and photos about the history of the production of the drink from all over the country are exhibited. On the site, it is still possible to see the distribution from these locations of production throughout the country on a map: http://www.mapadacachaca.com.br/guia/

All of the content on the Cachaça Map website is licensed on Creative Commons 3.0, including the texts, videos and the template made in WordPress can be distributed and remixed. Beyond the site, the project has organized meetings for cachaça tastings, complete with food that uses cachaça as an ingredient, and also has released a CD by a Brazilian group, made exclusively to be listened to while cachaça tasting.

Felipe Januzzi, co-creator of the Map, will present the project on the Panel with Entrepeneurs on the Web – Making business in Brazil the Challenge, alongside Fábio Seixas, from Camiseteria (T-shirt e-commerce that has existed in Brazil for 10 yeas) and Edson Mackeenzy, from Videolog (a video sharing website). The Panel will take place at 17h in Room Alhambra I.

mapacachaca mapa

“French people have champagne, Mexicans have Tequila, Scotch have whisky and Russians have vodka. Cachaça is the beverage that represents the Brazilian culture and history” 


yaso http://www.w3c.br <![CDATA[Tim Berners-Lee Meets Students]]> /?p=2951 2013-05-15T18:27:19Z 2013-05-15T14:48:45Z Fill this form to attend the meeting with Tim Berners-Lee and the students on Wednseday afternoon. Only registered attendees will be accepted to access the room. Limited Places. Only students with a document that prove the student status will be alowed to enter in the room. In case you do not register previously, entrance will be accepted if seats are available.

rferraz <![CDATA[Registration for special activities]]> /?p=2929 2013-05-16T12:47:54Z 2013-05-15T03:27:57Z ATENTION
The activities “Tim Berners-Lee Meets Students” and “Luis von Ahn meets entrepeneurs” require a previous registration. Check the activities links for information about how to proceed registration.

Tim Berners-Lee Meets Students
Fill this form to attend the meeting with Tim Berners-Lee and the students on Wednseday afternoon. Only registered attendees will be accepted to access the room. Limited Places. Only students with a document that prove the student status will be alowed to enter in the room. In case you do not register previously, entrance will be accepted if seats are available.

Fill this form to attend the meeting with Tim Berners-Lee and the students on Wednseday afternoon. Only registered attendees will be accepted to access the room. Limited Places. Only students with a document that prove the student status will be alowed to enter in the room. In case you do not register previously, entrance will be accepted if seats are available.

Luis von Ahn meets entrepeneurs
On Wednesday, at 15:00pm our Keynote Speaker Luis von Ahn will meet entrepreneurs to give some tips and held a conversation on how to be a young innovator in business.
This activity needs a previous registration. Use the form below to register. In case you do not register previously, entrance will be accepted if seats are available.
