User interfaces, human factors, and smart (mobile) devices
- Design and evaluation of Web interactions
- Novel interaction techniques
- User driven and automatic adaptation of user interfaces
- User interface toolkits for Web applications
- Computer-supported cooperative work on the Web
- Collaborative and social filtering, and interactive recommendation systems
- Exploratory web search and sensemaking
- Social Search and the Social Web
- Ubiquitous computing and the Web
- Location-based services
- Mobile Web interfaces
- Mobile Web applications and device-independent delivery
- Context-aware interactions
- Personalization and group-oriented retrieval and interfaces
- Design, user studies and evaluations of new and existing Web applications and services
- Intelligent user interfaces to access the Web
- Implementations and experimental mobile systems
- Novel devices, interfaces and applications for the Web
- Security and privacy in mobile Web applications
- Design, maintenance and evaluation of online communities
- Mobile Web search and advertising
- Mobile gaming
Track chairs
- Nuria Oliver
- James Landay
TPC Members
- Marco De Sa (Facebook)
- Ed H. Chi (PARC)
- N. Sadat Shami (IBM Research)
- Bongwon Suh (Adobe)
- Jalal Mahmud (IBM Research – Almaden)
- Ora Lassila (Nokia Services)
- Ingrid Mulder
- Martin Pielot
- Patrik Floreen (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, University of Helsinki)
- Robert Miller (MIT CSAIL)
- Susanne Boll (University of Oldenburg)
- Karen Church (Telefonica Research)
- Daniel Gatica-Perez (IDIAP Research Institute)
- Sarita Yardi
- Enrico Rukzio (Ulm University)
- Myriam Ribiere (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs)
- Stephan Steglich (FhI FOKUS)
- Jerôme Picault (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs)
- Rodrigo De Oliveira (Telefonica Research)
- Matthew Chalmers (University of Glasgow)
- Lyndon Kennedy (Yahoo! Research)
- Manas Tungare (Google)
- Per-Olof Hedvall (Lund University)
- Steven Drucker (Microsoft LiveLabs)
- Sepandar Kamvar (Stanford University)
- Kenton O’Hara (Microsoft Research)
- Yusuke Fukazawa (NTTDOCOMO, Inc.)
- Irene Celino (CEFRIEL)
- Emanuele Della Valle (DEI, Politecnico di Milano)
- Alex Olwal (KTH)
- Krzysztof Gajos (Harvard University)
- Florian Alt (University of Stuttgart)
- Jeffrey Nichols (IBM Almaden Research Center)
- Jeffrey Bigham (University of Rochester)
- Michael Bernstein
- Yang Li
- Henriette Cramer (Mobile Life @ SICS)
- Sep Kamvar
- Joel Brandt (Adobe Systems, Inc.)
- Tessa Lau
- Darren Edge (Microsoft Research Asia)
- Jeff Pierce
- Jose San Pedro Wandelmer
- Lora Aroyo (VU University Amsterdam)