Search systems and applications


  • Indexing text, metadata, semantic and social annotations, encoding and compression
  • Query processing algorithms, caching and pruning strategies
  • Search architecture, cluster distribution, federation, scalability, fault tolerance
  • Query analysis, segmentation, intent prediction, enrichment, rewriting
  • Relevance ranking, relevance feedback, learning to rank, rank aggregation, diversity
  • Interactive search, query suggestion/completion, user modeling, click analysis
  • Search in semi-structured and graph data, spanning multi-modal data
  • Faceted, enterprise, desktop, mobile, geo, temporal, blog, tweet search
  • Search driven by commerce and advertising
  • Adversarial search: spam, link farms
  • Querying and searching the Semantic/Data Web, including combinations with statistics, soft computing and distributed approaches
  • Use of social metadata and annotations in search and mining
  • Indexing and retrieval of Web rich-media content
  • Verticals and specialized search: multimedia, blogs, news, academic, e-commerce, etc.
  • Faceted, enterprise, desktop, local, and mobile search
  • Search engine architecture and scalability, including indexing, index compression, index distribution
  • Efficiency issues in query processing, including index access, caching, and early termination
  • Web crawling: high performance crawling, refresh crawling, focused crawling, content monitoring, and other crawling strategies and applications
  • Semantic search: entity retrieval, geo/temporal search, sub/super-documents
  • Federated, distributed, and P2P search, meta search, rank aggregation
  • Enabling higher-level applications: implicit search, mashups, query completion, real time search
  • Entity and knowledge graph for web search and applications
  • Entity search, indexing, ranking and suggestion
  • Personalized search and ranking
  • Searching real-time and dynamic content from the Web
  • Systems and Applications for crowdsourcing or human tasking in web search
  • Evaluation methodologies and metrics for search systems
  • Search assistance and task completion

Track Chairs

  • Soumen Chakrabarti (IIT Mumbai)
  • Wei-Ying Ma (MSR Asia)

TPC Members

  • Adriano Veloso (UFMG)
  • Alex Smola (Yahoo)
  • Alexander Kotov (Emory University)
  • Altigran S. Da Silva (Federal University of Amazonas)
  • Amy Langville (College of Charleston)
  • Antonio Gulli (ASK)
  • Aris Anagnostopoulos (Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Arjen de Vries (CWI)
  • Ashutosh Garg )
  • Behshad Behzadi (Google Inc.)
  • Bin Gao (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Ching-Man Au Yeung (ASTRI)
  • Chin-Yew Lin (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • D Sivakumar (Yahoo!)
  • David Losada (University of Santiago de Compostela)
  • Davood Rafiei (University of Alberta)
  • Debora Donato (Yahoo! Research Barcelona)
  • Djoerd Hiemstra (University of Twente)
  • Dmitri Loguinov (Texas A&M)
  • Edleno Silva De Moura (Universidade Federal do Amazonas)
  • Ee-Peng Lim (Singapore Management University)
  • Emine Yilmaz (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
  • Evangelos Kanoulas (Google, Inc.)
  • Fabrizio Silvestri (ISTI – CNR)
  • Gabriella Pasi (Universit degli STudi di Milano Bicocca)
  • Glen Jeh
  • Gloria Bordogna (National Research Council of Italy – CNR)
  • Hong Cheng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Hongbo Deng (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow)
  • Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam)
  • Jaime Arguello (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
  • Jeannette Janssen (Dalhousie University)
  • Jian Pei (Simon Fraser University)
  • Jian-Yun Nie (Universit de Montral)
  • Kevin Lang (Yahoo! Research)
  • Lei Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Lidong Zhou (Microsoft Research, SV)
  • Ling Liu (Georgia Tech)
  • Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam)
  • Marcos Goncalves (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
  • Marina Sokolova
  • Mário J. Silva (IST/INESC-ID)
  • Massimo Melucci (University of Padua)
  • Maxim Gurevich (Google)
  • Michalis Vazirgiannis (Department of Informatics, AUEB)
  • Milad Shokouhi (Microsoft Research)
  • Min Zhang (Tsinghua University)
  • Ming Hua (Facebook Inc.)
  • Neel Sundaresan (eBay Research Labs)
  • Nivio Ziviani (Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais)
  • Omar Alonso (Microsoft)
  • Pablo De La Fuente (GRINBD. Universidad de Valladolid)
  • Panayiotis Tsaparas (University of Ioannina)
  • Prasad Deshpande (IBM Research – India)
  • Ralf Schenkel (Saarland University)
  • Rosie Jones (Akamai Technologies)
  • Rui Cai (Microsoft Research, Asia)
  • Shenghua Bao (IBM China Research Lab)
  • Shuming Shi (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Simone Paolo Ponzetto (University of Rome)
  • Sriram Raghavan (IBM Research – India)
  • Stefan Rueger (Knowledge Media Institute)
  • Steven C.H. Hoi (Nanyang Technological University)
  • Stratis Viglas (University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics)
  • Sung-Hyon Myaeng (Kaist)
  • Tao Yang ( and UCSB)
  • Tao Cheng (Microsoft Research Redmond)
  • Tie-Yan Liu (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Umut Ozertem (Microsoft)
  • Uri Schonfeld (UCLA)
  • Xiaoyan Zhu (Computer Science and Technology Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing,China)
  • Xuanjing Huang (Fudan University)
  • Xueqi Cheng (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, P. R. China)
  • Yi Chang (Yahoo! Labs)
  • Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)