WWW2013 Conference: data and graphs

It’s been only two weeks since the end of the Conference, but we are already thinking in the next one, which will take place in Korea, from April 7th to 14th. You can read more about the next WWW on the Conference website: http://www2014.kr/

The WWW2013 Conference gathered 1.107 people from more than 46 countries. Brazil and the USA are the two countries with the largest number of people who followed the conference as you can see on the chart below:

The majority of participants were delegate. The press members are 39, slightly smaller than the staff, which was in 47 people. And also 19 exhibitors participated in the event.


In addition, other people attended remotely via live broadcast of parts of of programming. During the five-day event, the transmission had over 800 views. The second day marked the largest number: 375 people from different parts of the world, remained connected to watch the lectures.

All papers presented at the event are: /papers/

Highlights of the conference are on Storify: https://storify.com/gabiagustini

Slides and presentations are: http://eventifier.co/event/www2013/

The official photos of the event are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicbr/