Entrepreneurs on the web: Mapa da Cachaça

The Cachaça Map is to illustrate Brazilian culture and history in relation to the history of Cachaça “Alambiques,” where the traditional Brazilian alcohol is produced. Cachaça is a sugar-cane, hard-liquor used to make caipirinhas, a Brazilian classic. The project created a website, were videos and photos about the history of the production of the drink from all over the country are exhibited. On the site, it is still possible to see the distribution from these locations of production throughout the country on a map: http://www.mapadacachaca.com.br/guia/

All of the content on the Cachaça Map website is licensed on Creative Commons 3.0, including the texts, videos and the template made in WordPress can be distributed and remixed. Beyond the site, the project has organized meetings for cachaça tastings, complete with food that uses cachaça as an ingredient, and also has released a CD by a Brazilian group, made exclusively to be listened to while cachaça tasting.

Felipe Januzzi, co-creator of the Map, will present the project on the Panel with Entrepeneurs on the Web – Making business in Brazil the Challenge, alongside Fábio Seixas, from Camiseteria (T-shirt e-commerce that has existed in Brazil for 10 yeas) and Edson Mackeenzy, from Videolog (a video sharing website). The Panel will take place at 17h in Room Alhambra I.

mapacachaca mapa

“French people have champagne, Mexicans have Tequila, Scotch have whisky and Russians have vodka. Cachaça is the beverage that represents the Brazilian culture and history”