Highlights from the Opening Day

Workshops, tutorials and discussion panels opened the WWW2013 Conference today. In total, there were 34 sessions with  600 participants and 850 mentions on Twitter - there are 1,200 participants expected by the end of the conference.


The activities of the event can be followed in real time through the hashtag #www2013 on Twitter and the event’s Facebook page. On Storify, it is possible to access the day’s summary about themes addressed in the conferences. Some presentations were made available by the authors on slideshare and are being gathered on Eventifier (http://eventifier.co/event/www2013/slides).

Follow our social networks to keep updated with alterations in the schedule and don’t forget to mark your tweets with hashtags of the event and the name of the specific session. (Twitter: https://twitter.com/www2013rio,  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www2013, Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicbr/)

See below some of the highlights from today:

Tutorial: MEASURING USER ENGAGEMENT, by Mounia Lalmas, Heather O’Brien and Yom Tov (Download the presentation: http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~mounia/Papers/WWWTutorial2013UserEngagement.pdf)

SNOW2013: NEWS AND SOCIAL MEDIA – Automatic content analysis of TV news, The life-cycle of an online news story, by Carlos Castillo: (Download the presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/ChaToX/news-and-social-media-snow-2013-keynote)

MABSDA: SENTIMENT ANALYSIS AND BIG SOCIAL DATA MINING, by Erik Cambria, Yunqing Xia, Newton Howard: (Description of the panel: /program/multidisciplinary-approaches-to-big-social-data-analysis-mabsda/)

The schedule for tomorrow and the days to come can be accessed on: /dias/14052013/