WWW2013 Media Coverage

In a few days the most important global conference about the web will begin. There are many activities at the same time, so keep an eye on Twitter (@www2013rio) to find out what’s going on in each area of programming.

We will use (and ask for conference participants to do the same) the tag # www2013 to mark conversations about the Conference.
Our team will give on Twitter and Facebook details about schedule changes or any unforeseen event. For this purpose we will use the tag #quicktip (beside # www2013). Questions and doubts should be direct to our Twitter channel. We will strive to answer all messages.

Each workshop has its own tag, which is usually the initials of the title of the activity. For example: Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM). In this case, be sure to use the both tags: the one for the workshop and the one for the conference.

Captura de Tela 2013-05-09 às 19.11.16

The information contained in social networks will be compiled on Storify. Presentations and other links continue to feed to our page on Scoop.it.

Some of the most influential bloggers in Brazil on web related subjects will be at the event reporting the highlights of the discussions.
Besides their reports, we ask that all you bloggers present at the Conference disseminate the links of your blog posts using the #www2013 tag. Then we can find the content and help to spread your message.

Even those who cannot attend the Conference are welcome to produce contente while watching the live broadcast. Don’t forget to tag your posts!

Look out for the activities that will be broadcast live!