Pack Your Bags to Rio de Janeiro!

Are you ready fot the WWW2013 Conference? The following information will inform you about weather, food, internet and other facilities.If you still have any doubts or concerns, please contact us on Twitter (@wwwrio2013) or Facebook ( . Our team in Rio de Janeiro is prepared to help you in the travel arrangements.

Route from the international airport to the place of the Conference


Captura de Tela 2013-05-07 às 20.53.38The weather this time of year in Rio de Janeiro (Autumn) can vary in temperature –
between 16 and 30 º C (60,8 F ~ 86 F) on average – with frequent rain. At the event, air-conditioning will be on at all time to ensure a pleasant temperature –  a jacket or a sweater is recommended. To check the weather in Rio de Janeiro, consult the CPTEC INPE website, from the leading climatology institute.

Another useful link:



The participants of www2013 will be able to use the Easy Taxi, a mobile application for finding secure taxis. The app is free and is available for iPhone and Android. The user can monitor the taxi in real time. Another app to find taxi is: TaxiBeat.

On these websites you can estimate the price of your cab fare: (Prices at TaxiFareFinder: are outdated). Taxis will use the meter, but it is always good to ask about how much it will cost before you depart.

Pay attention at the airport (Galeão or Santos Dumond): the white taxis, which are offered following the disembarkation area, charge higher fares than conventional taxis (yellow ones) parked at the airport gate. However, it is more likely to find service in
English with a special taxi (not at the conventional one).

Currency Exchange

There is a currency exchange house at the Windsor Barra Hotel, where is possible to convert to Brazilian Reais  from USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, CHF. No availability for Asian currency. Options nearby:

Daycoval (Sheraton – Barra) – service in english and spanish (from 8am to 10pm)

Av. Lúcio Costa, 3150 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22620-172

(21) 3139-8000 ?·

Cittatur – service in english (from 9am to 6pm 18h. Open on saturday)

Av. das Américas, 700 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22640-100

(21) 3152-9761 ? ·

Casa Behar Passagens Turismo e Câmbio

Av. das Américas, 500 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22640-904

(21) 2495-5991 ?


Av. das Américas, 700 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, 22640-100

(21) 2025-2525 ?

Blumer Operações de Turismo e Câmbio

Av. das Américas, 500 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22640-100

(21) 3077-7878 ? ·

Confidence Câmbio

Av. das Américas, 500 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22640-100 - service in english (from 9am to 7pm. Open on saturday)

(21) 4004-5700 ? ·

Currency conversion Rate (5/5/2013)

 1 USD = R$ 2.10 BRL

1 GBP=  R$ 3.25 BRL

1 Euro= R$ 2.60 BRL

Wireless Internet Network

Open wifi

* 802.11g/n wireless network (2.4GHz)


Open authentication

* 802.11a/n wireless network (5GHz)

SSID WWW2013-a

Open authentication

* DHCP (IPv4) and SLAA (IPv6) addressing

Voltage and frequency

Conference Rooms – WWW2013 – outlet with voltage of 220 volts. Travel adapters are required for certain electric devices. Will be distributed universal adapters in the kit of the participant.

Language and Translations

English is the official language of the Conference.WWW2013 will provide translation from/into Portuguese only for keynote speakers sessions and Paralallel activities. Note that many Brazilians do not speak English, so it is best to be prepared with the address of where you are going written down for taxis. Smile, be patient and always say Obrigado (thank you)!


WWW2013 offers complimentary shuttle buses from well-known hotels in Rio located in Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon beaches both to and from the Conference venue.

See below a map with the meeting points of Shuttle Service:

Visualizar WWW 2013 em um mapa maior

Schedule for departures (departure times based on normal traffic delays).

Departures from hotels to conference venue

May, 13 and 14 Departure time:

7:15am / 7:30am / 11:00am

Special routes for shuttle at 7:15am and 7:30am

Route 1

Sofitel (7:15am / 7:30am)

Pestana (7:20am / 7:35am)

Atlântica (7:30am / 7:45am)

Route 2

Marina Palace (7:15am / 7:30am)

Caesar Park (7:20am / 7:35am)

Sofitel (07:30am / 07:45am)

Regular Route departs at 11:00am

Atlântica (11:00am)

Pestana (11:05am)

Sofitel (11:15am)

Caesar Park (11:25am)

Marina Palace (11:35am)

Return from Windsor Barra to Hotels

May, 13 and 14 – 7:45pm / 8:00pm / 8:15pm

May, 15 – 7:45pm / 8:10pm e 9:10pm

May, 16 – 7:45pm /8:00pm / 8:15pm

May, 17- 6:45pm

Marina Palace – Caesar Park – Sofitel – Pestana – Windsor Atlântica

Buses will be easily identifiable and have the conference logo on the front window.

Tour desk

BEC Events is the official travel agency for WWW2013 participants. It provides hotel booking services and tour packages.  If you are interested in tourist activities in Rio or traveling after the event, look for the tour desk on the second floor or in the exhibition area to schedule your trip.

Opening Hours:

May,13 and 14 – 8:00pm – 6:00pm

May,15 and 16 – 10:00pm – 6:00pm

May,17 – 10:00pm – 6:00pm

Information about touristic sights:


The food is included in the application package for the event and will be offered at the Windsor Barra specific location. There will be options for vegans and vegetarians and payment option for credit card (for snacks).


12:00pm – 13:00 pm – Second Lower Level

Meals will be available in a self service buffet.

Coffee Breaks

From May 13 to 14, coffee breaks will be offered near the Conference Rooms

From May 15 to 17, coffee breaks and desserts will be offered in the Exhibition Area.


Social Events

Poster Reception – May, 15th

All participants are invited to the Poster Reception cocktail in May, 15, from 8:00pm to 9:00 pm in the Exhibition Area.

During this event, you can interact with the Posters’authors who are going to present their researches in development and new ideas.

Brazilian Typical Dinner – May, 16th

Join us for our Typical Brazilian Dinner on May 16 at Churrascaria Porcão. A true Carioca-style evening, complete with Brazilian BBQ, music, and Carnival!

19:30 – Welcome Cocktail

20:30 – Dinner

22:00 – Entertainment

23:00 – Closing

For vegetarians and vegans: There will be vegetarian and vegan options for those who are not meat lovers, but want to taste Brazilian flavors and enjoy a great party!